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与 usually 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute laryngitis is usually due to a viral infection; it can occur at the same time as a cold and usually lasts 1-2 weeks.


The scam letter usually promises to transfer huge amounts of money, usually in US dollars, purported to be part proceeds of certain contracts, to the addressee's bank account, to be shared in some proportion between the parties.


Fruit dry, of two mericarps united by their faces, and usually attached to a central axis, from which the mericarps separate at maturity; mericarps are variously flattened dorsally, laterally or terete; each mericarp has 5 primary ribs, one down the back, two on the edges near the commissure, and two between the dorsal and lateral ribs, occasionally with four secondary ribs alternating with the primary, the ribs filiform to broadly winged, thin or corky; vittae usually present in the furrow (intervals between the ribs sometimes called the valleculae) and on the commissure face, rarely also in the pericarp, sometimes obscure.


Usually unbranched usually spineless cactus covered with warty tubercles and having magenta flowers and white or green fruit; resembles the related mescal; northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States.


Tepals 6, free, usually with dark spots or blotches, usually papillose at apex; inner ones with nectary processes on both sides (rarely on 1 or neither side) of a short, median channel at base adaxially.


Usually it will mean that he is a nice person who does not get over-excited about anything and is usually pretty nonchalant.


Usually it will mean that he is a nice person who does not get overexcited about anything and is usually pretty nonchalant.


At present the classic least square method, which is only adaptable to the data series of normal distribution, is usually adopted in statistic calculation. However, the actual series are usually pollutional distribution instead of normal distribution.


However,just like the last pearmain that falls from the apple tree usually tastes sour,the great love that takes your breath usually favors no wait.


In order to have it cancelled here, the penitent receives from his confessor what is usually called his "penance", usually in the form of certain prayers which he is to say, or of certain actions which he is to perform, such as visits to a church, the Stations of the Cross, etc. Alms, deeds, fasting, and prayer are the chief means of satisfaction, but other penitential works may also be enjoined.


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This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream
It Is Usually The Boys Who Cry Wolf That Grow Up To Be The Men Who Cry Sanctuary
I Usually Don't
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #2
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #3
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #5
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #9
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #11
Usually Just A T-Shirt: Untitled #12
I Don't Usually

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a womans heart.


Some 4 years above company and divisional management experience, 6 year foreign enterprises work experience.


But this first authorised biography confirms Golding as a writer of range and power who deserves far wider recognition.
