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tuck dive相关的网络例句

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与 tuck dive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition provides the compressed air stainless steel air feeder, in crucible the base composition porous jet pipeline, causes the nitre salt fluid fast circulation tuck dive, achieves in the nitre salt fluid any temperature even consistent, controls the warm electricity cabinet's coordinate use automatically through the nitre salt stove, may cause the quenching work piece in the very short time needs the rapid chilling in any craft temperature which to the isothermal quench the automatic constant temperature.


Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.


Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck up position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.


The spirit table Xumi place and above the palace wall's stone banket the vulture has the volume grass, the fierce lion, the warrior, to ride the deer, the unicorn, the marine animals, the horse, the sheep, as well as dances in the air the tuck dive to smoke like a chimney flies in circles the dragon and the lifelike scenery character and so on.

神台须 弥座和殿墙的石护脚上面雕有卷草、猛狮、武士、骑鹿、麒麟、水兽、马、羊、以及飞舞翻腾吞云吐雾的翔龙和惟妙惟肖的山水人物等。在五乳峰离绝顶数十米的地方,有一深约5米,宽约3米的天然石洞,这就是达摩面壁九年处,人称&达摩洞&。相传达摩到少林寺后曾在此洞内面壁九年,由于年深日久,身影投于洞内石上,竟留下了一个面壁姿态的形象,衣褶皱纹隐约可见,宛如一幅淡色的水墨,人们把这块石头称为&达摩面壁影石&。后寺僧唯恐影石有失,将影石凿下放入少林寺。洞前现存有明代万历年间石坊一座、明代苏民望题七绝诗一首,洞内还有达摩、慧可石雕像等。


Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
