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three-piece suit相关的网络例句

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与 three-piece suit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In advancing a takeout double of a weak two-bid, lebensohl applies (two notrump is a marionette to three clubs , after which advancer can pass or bid lower than three of opener's suit to show a weak hand; direct non-jump three-level new-suit advances show moderate values).

我方对敌方弱二开叫技术性加倍时,使用lebensohl(2NT为迫加倍者叫3 [开叫者只有在持特定额外力量叫出3 以上叫品],然后回答人派司或三阶较敌方开叫花色低阶为示弱;直接非跳叫三阶新花回答为中度力量)。

The three ways suit to business groups in all countries.


Three An Paihu the exposure suit (blast type chemical defense clothes), guards against the infectious disease mouthpiece, stands washing the ventilation waterproofing protective suit as well as the ventilation waterproofing labor insurance clothing, XHZLC-40, 60 fire filtration type helps oneself the respirator,Three peaceful 2, 5, 9 dustproof guards against the smoke to guard against the infectious disease mouthpiece after the National Department concerned appraisal is the domestic origination, has achieved the domestic advanced level.


Support and related doubles and redoubles : After a major-suit one-level response and a sandwich double or overcall below two of responder's suit, opener's redouble or double (even of a natural or artificial one notrump) shows a three-card fit for responder's suit. After a one-diamond response, opener's double of a sandwich one-spade overcall shows four hearts.

支持性及相关加倍及再加倍:一阶高花应叫且敌方在夹挤位置加倍或插叫新花但未超过二阶应叫者花色之后,开叫者的再加倍或加倍(甚至是自然或人为的1NT)皆为表示对应叫者花色有3张支持。1 应叫之后,敌方在夹挤位置插叫1 后开叫者的加倍表示有4张。

Negative doubles : A negative double at the one level or when there is exactly one unbid major guarantees at least four cards in any unbid major (opener may rebid in a three-card suit there in a pinch); otherwise, that requirement is only tentative (opener should not rebid in a three-card suit).


A responder's rebid of the cheapest two of an unbid minor is artificial, forcing, and promising at least game-invitational strength opener's priorities over such a bid are: show three-card fit for responder's original suit, show four-card length in the unbid major, show a minimum with the cheapest other bid, show a maximum descriptively with anything else; responder's next bid is forcing unless it is two of his original suit, two notrump, or a raise to three of the major just bid by opener


After a two-diamond response and a simple new-suit rebid by opener, responder's cheapest minor-suit bid through three diamonds is a double negative (after which opener's same-suit rebid of three of a major may be passed), new-suit single jump is a splinter raise, and double raise is a picture bid.

在2 应叫且简单的新花再叫之后,应叫者的最便宜三阶低花为二度消极直到3 (开叫者的三阶同一高花再叫后可以被派司),跳叫新花为Splinter支持,以及跳叫支持为picture叫品(强的将牌但旁门毫无价值)。

Ogust (three clubs = minimum, weak suit; three diamonds = minimum, strong suit; three hearts = maximum, weak suit; three spades = maximum, strong suit).

Ogust(3 =低限,弱花色;3 =低限,好花色;3 =高限,弱花色;3 =高限,好花色)。

After a one-notrump response and opener's reverse, responder's rebids of two notrump, three of opener's first-bid suit, and three of a suit ranking below opener's original suit are nonforcing.


A first-or second-position weak two-bid that includes three of this list of characteristics is unacceptable: five cards in the bid suit; seven cards in the bid suit; flimsy (definition adjusted to suit the vulnerability) six cards in the bid suit; side void; side four-card or longer suit.


第1/8页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > 尾页

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。