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与 thoroughfares 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1884 with Owen Goldberg and Cecil Turnbull at night on public thoroughfares between Longwood avenue and Leonard's corner and Leonard's corner and Synge street and Synge street and Bloomfield avenue.


The original material is unmemorable, and even such familiar titles as "Just My Imagination" and "Who's That Lady" stretch into one- or two-chord vamps that serve as broad thoroughfares for his solos; without having to twist through a maze of chord changes, White can kick back, close his eyes, and let long, liquid lines flow.

那些原始素材是不容易记住的,即便如此熟悉的曲目:《Just My Imagination》和《Who's That Lady》——也被延长为一两个和弦的即席伴奏来为他的独奏曲拓宽音域;若非不得不盘旋穿梭于和弦变化的迷宫,White本可以退缩,闭上眼睛,任音符如细水长流。

On a Sunday afternoon, when the shutters are down and the proletariat possesses the street in a kind of dumb torpor, there are certain thoroughfares which remind one of nothing less than a big chancrous cock laid open longitudinally.


Tickled pink, King Crin went wallowing in the town thoroughfares on his wedding night and got all muddy.


In spite of the seemingly irrelevancy between psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology,there are some obvious thoroughfares between them,making psychoanalysis contribute enormously to cognitive psychology,vise versa.


The lateness of the hour, rendering procrastinatory: the obscurity of the night, rendering invisible: the uncertainty of thoroughfares, rendering perilous: the necessity for repose, obviating movement: the proximity of an occupied bed, obviating research: the anticipation of warmth tempered with coolness, obviating desire and rendering desirable: the statue of Narcissus, sound without echo, desired desire.


These new thoroughfares link the industrial sections with the resid tial areas.


Crowds are assembled for brawls in public places or main thoroughfares, and serious social disorders have been caused


Crowds are assembled for brawls in public places or main thoroughfares, and serious social disorders have been caused


Crowds are assembled for brawls in public places or ma in thoroughfares, and serious social disorders have been caused


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
