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与 thalamic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"These benefits are of greater magnitude than has been achieved with thalamotomy, unilateral pallidotomy, thalamic stimulation, or fetal nigral transplantation," the authors write.


Anterograde amnesia and minimal retrograde amnesia with thalamic and hippocampal lesions in neuro-Behcet's disease is rare.


Methods Unit responses were recorded extracellularly from thalamic ventroposterolateral nucleus in anesthetized rats.


The thalamic relay nuclei of the auditory system are the medial geniculate nuclei.


Results The Fos reactive products were distributed in the piriform cortex,accumbens nucleus,bed nucleus of stria terminalis, cingulate gyrus,nucleus of diagonal band, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, arcuate nucleus, central amygdaloid, subfornical organ, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus,ventrolateral part of the central gray,lateral parabrachial nucleus,locus ceruleus,medullary visceral zone.

结果 Fos阳性产物分布于梨状皮质、伏核、终纹床核、扣带回、斜角带核、下丘脑室旁核、视上核、视交叉上核、弓状核、中央杏仁核、穹窿下器、丘脑室旁核、外侧缰核、中脑中央灰质腹外侧区、脑桥臂旁外侧核、蓝斑、延髓内脏带等脑区,而在大脑白质及小脑中无明显的密集分布区。

SFO stimulation induced stable and significant drinking behavior and Fos protein expression in 8 areas of the forebrain (organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, median preoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area, perifornical dorsal area, substantia innominata and thalamic reuniens nucleus), and in 3 areas of the hindbrain (area postrema, solitary tract nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus).


Based on above results, we conclude that the synaptic depression of thalamic input to the cortex contributes to rapid adaptation in cortical neuron, and both the thalamocortical and intracortical synaptic transmission could then enhance the degree of adaptation.


Objective To discuss and summarize the neuropsychological disorders of thalamic lesions.


One patient had right occipitotemporal and entrolateral thalamic stroke.


objective to investigate the phonatory characteristics before and after posteroventral pallidotomy and ventrointermediate thalamic nucleus lesioning in parkinson disease patients.

目的 研究帕金森病病人在单侧苍白球腹后部毁损术、丘脑腹中间核毁损术前后的发音状况。

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Means the parent directory, so this command means to execute "toolchain.sh," which is in the current directory.


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The strong ionospheric disturbances caused by the significant magnetic storm appeared on the whole world.
