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与 summit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And until there is an official statement made by Summit Entertainment, I will sit here and patiently wait.

直至 Summit Entertainment 发出官方公告的一刻,我都会坐著耐心的等。

Summit gave Hardwicke 48 days and $37 million to make Twilight.

Summit给了Hardwicke 48天时间,3千7百万的制作费来拍Twilight。

Summit's placing him as the leading man of the series and he's not.


Where the abbreviation NEP appears,it means that the listed Summit product is not the exact equivalent product,but the products would be compatible,in most cases.


They were attacked by a force composed of Pawnee mercenaries and American cavalry; almost everyone, including Tall Bull, died in the attack near Summit Springs.

控制下的科罗拉多。但是他们又被一支由波尼人佣兵和美国火枪骑兵组成的军队攻击。几乎所有人,包括巨牛在内,都死在了 Summit Springs 附近的一场战斗中。

Shortly after bonding with the ladies, Dennis joined the group and together they performed on BET's now-defunct talk show, Teen Summit.

在短暂的交流之后,她成为了她们中的一份子。他们要在现在已经停播了的Talk Show "Teen Summit"进行演出。

LASIK treatment using the Summit SVS Apex plus Excimer Laser System with the erodible disc was conducted for the correction of compound myopic astigmatism.


WSIS(World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS)was held by ITU and UNESCO at Geneva, Switzerland. Taiwan Delegation Group organized by NICI, created a successful model to participate in UN related organization to promote the competitive advantages of Science and Technology in Taiwan.

2003.12 行政院科技顾问组团参与由联合国教科文组织及国际电信联盟於瑞士日内瓦共同主办的「资讯社会高峰会」(World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS),成功建立我国参与联合国周边组织活动模式,展现台湾资讯科技实力行销台湾,并为国际社会提出贡献的良好典范。

Todd Trepanier with Washington State Department of Transportation surveys damage to an offramp on Interstate 90 near Snoqualmie Summit.

P7。华州交通部工作人员 Todd 在察看被洪水所破坏的道路,地点接近州际高速公路 I-90的 Snoqualmie Summit 山口。

Indeed, Summit said the state of the art in the technology has turned out to be bud vases and fruit baskets–items that, more and more, are taking on truly abstract and extraordinary designs for no other reason, it seems, than that it's possible.


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A Summit Borderline

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
