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suit court相关的网络例句

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与 suit court 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If any party discovers any of the afore mentioned acts after divorce , he or she may file a suit at the people s court to apply for repartitioning the jointly owned property .


Either party that disagrees to the arbitration may file a suit at the people court of the city.


In a suit first filed in a New York court in 1993, lawyers representing 30,000 people in the Lago Agrio area argued that billons of gallons of waste dumped by Texaco in several hundred pits such as Shushufindi 61 caused damage to human health as well as to the jungle.

1993年,诉讼最初在美国纽约州地区法院首次提出,律师表明三万名拉戈阿格里奥当地人民指出德士古公司在数百个油田,如Shushufindi 61 油田倾倒了数十万加仑石油废弃物,导致当地人民身体健康受损,当地雨林遭到破坏。

Neoplan Bus GmbH said it filed suit in a Beijing court accusing Zonda Industrial Group of copying its Starliner bus.


The formersbring sprint queen, dress ed in a dark pink-white pinstriped suit and peach color ed shirt, form fought back tears as she address ed reporters , her family and friends outside the White Places Plains , New York core court house.


Some of their relatives brought the suit to the court in August.


The developer of software can offer suit to the court, ask you stop to sell.


B : You can file a suit against him in court , or apply for arbitration .


Ultimately his suit was settled out of court.


A person involved in a suit in a U.S. court may proceed through three level s of decision.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
