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与 strategy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It will also be the keystone of a new strategy of civic boosterism for the former mining town, which will soon be able to boast the largest concentration of work by Le Corbusier outside Chandigarh in India.

对于这个昔日的采矿城市而言,它亦将成为公民自主建设新政策(new strategy of civic boosterism)的典范。而这座城市,将能够自夸为除印度昌迪伽尔以外现存柯布的作品规模最大、最集中的欧洲城市。

David Bowers of Absolute Strategy Research, a consultancy, thinks this makes the global industrial system vulnerable.

在Absolute Strategy Research的David Bowers看来,对供给的可靠性的依赖使得世界产业系统十分脆弱。

S David Bowers of Absolute Strategy Research points out, it makes an enormous difference which crisis is being replayed.

bsolute Strategy Research的David Bowers指出,金融危机的重演是有很巨大差别的。

Based on a lot of experiment results, a conclusion is drawn: comparing with other factors, the performance of branch handling strategy is the key limits of processor to exploit the instruction level parallelism existed in nonscientific code, cache miss have severe effect on superscalar processor's performance when it runs scientific code. Second, in order to reduce the branch penalty and improve the performance of superscalar processor, a new branch handling strategy—a classification based hierarchical branch handling strategy, CHBHS is proposed. It first expands the traditional processor architecture to support multiple condition code, conditional execution and Mbranch instruction, as a result, compiler can reduce the number of static conditional branch when the code is generated. Then, CHBHS tries to use the best suitable mechanism to deal with different branch base on their different behavior. CHBHS can predict the target address of unconditional branch, subroutine call and conditional branch by buffering their target address in branch target buffer, a newly proposed high efficient return address stack is used to reduce the penalty of subroutine return instruction, a new Counter Register Stack is also proposed to reduce the penalty of loop-closing branch to zero, and dynamic branch predictor is incorporate with branch target buffer to predict the outcome of conditional branch.

基于上述结论,为了尽量消除转移指令对处理器开发指令级并行性能力的影响,进一步提高处理器性能,在详尽分析目前已存在的转移处理策略的特点与局限性的基础上,首次提出了一种新的转移处理策略即基于分类的层次转移处理策略CHBHS(Classification Based Hierarchical Branch Handling Strategy),它首先通过扩展传统的体系结构,支持多条件码、条件式执行及多分支转移技术,以使编译程序在进行代码生成时可尽量少生成条件转移指令,从而减少静态条件转移指令的数目;其次,基于不同的转移指令的行为不同这一事实,提出了对不同的转移指令采用不同的机制进行处理的思想,即对无条件转移指令和函数调用指令以及条件转移指令的目标地址,采用转移目标缓冲器来预测,对于函数返回指令,采用所提出一种的高效返回地址栈来预测其目标地址,对于大多数循环控制转移指令,采用所提出的Counter Register Stack来将其所可能带来的损失减少为0,对于其他的条件转移指令采用动态预测机制来预测其方向。

Objective: To observe the clinical effects of Rhein OT Strategy attachment denture repairing bilateral distal-extension edentulous.

目的:观察Rhein OT Strategy冠外附着体义齿修复双侧游离缺失的临床效果。

The main contributions of this paper include,(1) introduces the backtracking mechanism into traditional GEP methods and proposing a new algorithm named GEP with backtracking strategy.(2) Proposes the concept of Backtracking Checkpoint and designing Geometric Proportion Increased Checkpoint Sequence and Accelerated Increased Checkpoint Sequence to restrict the backtracking process.(3) Extends the GEPBS algorithm by introducing a Retrogression Factor to control the percentage of backtracking.(4) Proves the effectiveness of the new algorithm by two extensive experiments, which show that new method increases the max fitness by 49.2

本文的主要工作包括:(1)在传统GEP算法中引入回溯机制,提出基于回溯策略的GEP算法(GEP with backtracking strategy ,GEPBS);(2)提出回溯检查点概念,设计了等比递增检查点序列和加速递增检查点序列用于约束回溯过程;(3)扩充基于回溯的GEP算法,设计了退化因子,提出了按比例回溯策略(GEP with proportional backtracking strategy, GEPPBS)(4)通过两个实验验证了新算法的有效性,在相同条件下较传统算法的适应度最大提高了49.2%,成功率最高提高了4倍

According to analysts Strategy Analytics, a third of the digital TV audience regularly uses interactive TV.

根据市场调研公司Strategy Analytics分析师的报告,有三分之一的数字电视观众会经常性地使用互动电视功能。

The FDA is also requiring a REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) that will include the issuance of a Medication Guide to patients and a requirement for prescriber education regarding the appropriate use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of pain.

FDA还要求建立一项风险评估和最小化计划(Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy,REMS),其中将包括发布一份患者用药指南和一份用于医生教育的有关在疼痛治疗中正确使用阿片类镇痛药的规定。

The used behaviors /PATTERNING as a design strategy:By translating or imitating the accreting appearance of the nature,this project's main idea is to represent and struct a system of the biotope.On the first site, I use the strategy to observe the using behavior and walking routes in the environment,then the working system is bring naturally.The second site,I exploit all relations between water system and activities of daily livings to construct the scales of systemic types and new-used behaviors.It is an open system for a particular area.

惯性行为 PATTERNING as a design strategy:旨在藉由转译或模仿自然生成物的生成现象,再现且建构其在群构系统模式,在第一个基地所采取的策略是观察周边环境之使用行为及动线生成,衍生的系统顺应而生,第二个基地则是利用水系统与人们生活的各种关系,去建构系统的型态比例关系及新使用行为,是一种区域性的开放系统。

According to a new World Health Organization strategy "WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005" lanched on 16 May in 2002, it promoted that countries must integrate TCM into their national existing health care systems. WHO also asked government to evaluate the curative effects of TCM and by developing policies to regulate "alternative "medical practices to make it safer to their people.

世界卫生组织於2002年5月发表「2002-2005世界卫生组传统医学策略」「WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005 」,WHO建请各国将传统医学纳入现有医疗政策体系中,并将透过提供技术指南来确保传统医学疗法被适当、安全且有效地使用。

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The Love That I Crave (Strategy's Strata Club Remix)
Strategy Wanking
Rock And Roll Strategy

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
