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与 storages 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a special company for aquatic breeding ,processing and export. It owes two quick-freeze storages with production capacity of 1000tons. Its main variety of products are tilapia, vannamei prawn, trichiurus haumela, blanquillo fillet and other seafood.. Frozen fillets annual output is 75,000 tons. frozen tilapia whole round 14,600tons.All products are mainly exported to European countries, America, Japan, South Korea Mexico and so on..


The dynamic servers are storages which store the location data of targets and adjust their positions according to the message flow.


I have stored all the Storages within a file in a linked list.


In order to provide an scientific basis and technology support to local agricultural by–products export quarantine, an investigation was carried out on the species of stored insects of export agricultural by–products from 2003 to 2005 in the region. The quarantine significance of different stored insects and the insect community structure characteristics of five stored export products were analyzed, besides, a study was conducted on the ecology of Dermestes maculatus Degeer in the laboratory. The main results were as follows. 1. The ordinary and systematic measures were used to investigate stored insect species on export products, such as Willow, Brush, Feather, Leather, Woodwork, grain, coconut funicle, lotus leaf etc., in the finished product, transferring, material reserve and processing storages of the export industries.

为了给该地区农副产品的出口检疫提供科学依据和技术支持,笔者于2003-2005年对江苏沿江地区各类出口农副产品检疫场所的仓储昆虫种类进行了调查,分析了各种仓储昆虫的检疫重要性以及5类出口农副产品仓储昆虫的群落特征,并对重要仓储害虫白腹皮蠹的生态学特性进行了研究,现将结果总结如下: 1、2003-2005年通过对江苏沿江地区的草柳藤制品、笔刷制品、羽绒制品、皮革制品、木制品、粮饲库存点、椰壳纤维、荷叶加工厂等出口企业的成品储藏库、中转库、原料储备库、加工车间等检疫场所的昆虫种类进行了普查和系统调查,共采集标本1800余件,从中鉴定出130种仓储动物,隶属2纲、9目、51科,其中害虫6目、40科、105种,益虫5目、10科、25种;此外,还发现2中国新记录种,即阔鼻谷象Caulophilus oryzae和黑斑豆象Bruchus dentipes。

An intelligent interface with the ability of running internal model is used to finish the tasks of network communication and resource management, therefore, the kernel of data fusion unit can hammer away at the more important tasks, such as data mining, model configuration and fusion strategies deciding, furthermore, with the importing of data marts, some crucial functions of data fusion system, such as learning, evaluation and storages is also enhanced.


In addition .there occurred difference in the structure of cotyledonary haustrum and other storages.


The high-density optical data storage technologies based on short-wavelength laser source and solid immersion lens are studied with the aim to develop the key technologies of the two optical data storages system.


No need to be a hacker to find and index local and remote file storages.


Hyphae, loaded with CTC under pH 6. 8 condition and then grown in pH 8. 0 medium for a little while to destroy the apical acidification, could gave very diffuse fluorescence images of CTC membrame bound Ca〓 and vermiform fluorescence spots due to mitochondrias under pH 6. 8 no longer were clearly distinquished, which implied that besides mitochondrias, other cellular organelles with Ca〓 also were stained with CTC. Thus mitochondrias are not the only one intracellular Ca〓 storage, endoplasmic reticulums and Golgi bodies in the same zone may be also the Ca〓 storages. But the extreme apical zone under 2μm of the growing hyphal tip was still almost devoid of stain under pH 8. 0.The CTC fluorescence was concentrated in the subapic zone beyond about 2μm from the tip and then gradually became lower behind about 40μm from the tip. These results did not support the hypothesis which suggested that the cell wall vesicles in the extreme apical zone were intracellular Ca〓 storages.

将菌丝在pH6.8条件下负载CTC,再置于pH8.0培养介质中短暂生长一会儿以消散菌丝顶端的酸化区域,则CTC膜结合Ca〓呈现弥散的荧光影像,在pH 6.8培养条件下显示的蠕虫状的线粒体荧光斑点不再能够清晰辨认,说明除了线粒体之外,还有其它含Ca〓细胞器,也被CTC染色,线粒体并不是细胞内唯一Ca〓库,还可能包括内质网、高尔基体等细胞器,但菌丝最顶端2μm以前的细胞壁泡囊区域不能被染色,最大荧光强度仍位于菌丝顶端2μm以后区域,约45μm以后荧光变弱,实验结果不支持细胞壁泡囊为菌丝胞内Ca〓库的假设。

You have are the living reminders that adoptions are storages stories of celebration, storages stories of hope, and storages stories of love.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
