英语人>网络例句>star 相关的网络例句
与 star 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Several invariants of star graphs and hypercubes, such as Mobius cubes, arrangement graphs,-star graphs, split star graphs, cluster-star graphs, alternating group graphs are advantageous over n-cube in many aspects.

近几年内,除了超立方体之外,有许多类似星状图和超立方体的多处理机架构被提出来讨论,其中较具代表性的有:Mobius cubes、排列图、-星图(n,k-star graphs 、分星图、聚星图(Clustered-star graphs)、变换群图等。

The digital image generating method was simulated based on CCD and optical system parameter, results show that the method can generate a star map with higher apparent magnitude (magnitude>10) and can satisfy the requirements of space object detection and surveillance for star map.

结果表明,该方法可生成较大星等(星等>10)的星空背景图像,基本满足了现有空间目标检测与跟踪算法对星空背景数据的要求。标签空间监视星空背景星等数字图像成像灰度值 space surveillance star map star magnitude imaging gray value

Speaking of the star dog Star Base, trainers Long full of pride, he introduced his band four dogs total, the Star last November to his side's.


This paper introduces The Teacher Preparation STaR Chart designed by American CEO Forum and expatiates on the background and meanings of teacher preparation STaR assessment, which may serve as a kind of valuable reference to the establishment of relative policies for teacher preparation in China.


Starcat - Starcat is a cross-platform star catalog visualization tool for use with the Bright Star, Hipparcos, and Tycho star catalogs.

starcat是一个跨平台的恒星目录可视化工具,用于和Bright Star, Hipparcos,和 Tycho恒星目录一起工作。

The regulator's tardiness stemmed from separate court proceedings investigating whether KEB's sale to Lone Star in 2003 was illegal, a case that has already stymied several attempts to sell the bank.

监管层的拖延是由于法庭正在调查2003年韩国外换银行和Lone Star的交易是否合法,这项调查已经多次妨碍Lone Star出售外换银行的股份。

According to the experimental results, wax begonia 'Super Olympia White' (Begonia semperflorens-cultorum 'Super Olympia White') and 'Super Olympia Pink' are the most sensitive plants to ozone. However, torenia 'Clown' (Torenia founieri 'Clown'), melanpodium 'Sky Star' (Melampodium paludosum 'Sky Star'), and copper leaf are the most tolerance.

试验结果显示四季秋海棠'超级奥运白花'(Begonia semperflorens-cultorum 'Super Olympia White')、四季秋海棠'超级奥运粉红花'(Begonia semperflorens-cultorum 'Super Olympia Pink')对臭氧最敏感,而夏堇'小丑'(Torenia founieri 'Clown')、黄帝菊'天星'(Melampodium paludosum 'Sky Star')、红毛苋的抗性最好。

OLH or 8-bromo-cAMP were added to luteinized granulosa cells. Results indicated that, protein expression of HIF-1a, HIF-1b and VEGF had a better performance in hypoxia than in normoxic condition, but phospho-PKA, StAR and P450scc protein expression had weaker expression in the former condition than in the later one. As a result of decreasing secretion of progesterone the decreasing of phospho-PKA was suspected to have a role in the reduction of StAR and P450scc in the condition of hypoxia.

结果发现,黄体化粒性细胞於缺氧条件下其HIF-1a、HIF-1b与VEGF蛋白质表现量皆较正常氧高;同时,StAR及P450scc蛋白质表现量则降低,但3b-HSD不受缺氧影响;此外,藉由特异性抗体检测PKA讯息传递路径发现,PKA讯息传递路经於缺氧条件下磷酸化PKA(phospho-protein kinase A)蛋白质表现量下降,可能经此路径的调控造成StAR及P450scc蛋白质表现量下降,导致黄体化粒性细胞孕酮分泌量减少。

With the plane in 2003 to play animation "Star Wars: Clone Wars" in comparison,"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Star Wars will be vast numbers of fans and countless sci-fi fans bring new stories and even more shocking experience!

与2003年播放的平面动画《Star Wars: Clone Wars》相比,《Star Wars: The Clone Wars》将为广大星战爱好者和无数科幻迷们带来全新的故事和更加震撼的体验!

G-STAR REKTOR - MARINE BLUE Left chest pocket detail by G-Star, helps make this woven. Offered here is a really cool tone of blue.

G-STAR 蓝色海军男士衬衫左胸口袋处有 G-Star标识,机织而成,配以合身牛仔裤是男士不错搭配。

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The Star Carol
My Precious Star
Big Star
Star Wars
Star Tiger, Star Ariel
Star Star
Star No Star
Star Star
Star Star

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
