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F Rotation about the Z dimension may be used to locate and read the bar-code label on a specimen container or to assess the quality of a specimen in terms of turbidity, hemolysis, icterus, etc.

Z 方向上的旋转可被用来定位和读取标本容器上的条码标签或按照混浊,溶血,黄疸等来评估标本的质量。

Labeling specimens is a problem each collector must decide for himself, but the best method I have encountered is to paint a small drop of white enamel on the most undesirable spot of the specimen, just large enough to write a number in India ink, identifying that particular specimen.


The data makes clear, if have air interfuse specimen, must eliminate to mix even the specimen again next inside 2min, can assure the dependability of the result so.


The distribution of microhardness is not uniform across the anodic film for the most specimens and the general trend is that the value of the hardness is higher both in the outer film adjacent to the surface and in the inner film near the interface between film and substrate for the specimens with type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ anodizing technology. The measured modulus for anodic film with type Ⅲ anodized is 80.77Gpa. The thermal expansion coefficients of anodic films are measured by two different methods based on X-ray diffraction technique. One way is to detect the lattice spacing change of crystalline phase in powder specimen of anodic film as the increment of temperature by powders of anodic film; and the other way is to determine the thermal stress by entire specimen, that is, the anodic film and the substrate attached together.


Then, the effects on local magnetic field by the specimen material and specimen thickness are also studied.


Mustard family vegetables insect gathering, raising as well as specimen manufacture Abstract: For a better distinction and the preventing and controlling vegetables pest, more convenient conducts the teaching research, more thorough study insect's exterior shape, internal structure and physiology, reproduction, growth and habitual and so on, we need to conduct the research to the vegetables agriculture insect's type, and makes the specimen.


A method to measure the outer radial deformation curve of tubular specimen under internal pressure is proposed,the yield strength in the hoop direction of the tubular specimen could be derived.


The evaporation of ZrO2 will absorb heat and relieve erosion from oxyacetylene flame on the ablated surface of the specimen, and also accelerate the mass loss of the specimen, which leads to the decrease of the linear ablation rate and increase of mass ablation rate of the composites.

产物ZrO2的蒸发吸收了材料烧蚀表面的热量,减缓了火焰对烧蚀表面的冲蚀,材料的线烧蚀率减小,然而, ZrO2的蒸发会增加材料的质量损失速度,导致材料的质量烧蚀率增大。

It can also provide good specimen in cardiovascular learing. Perchloroethylene ethyl acetate plastics filler perfusion is a good technique in making specimen.


In Shaomin Shen's studio in Daqing, I think of life and death, yin and yang, when faced with over 2000 mouse's' bones repaired by overwork of more than ten assistants, five sets humankind bones endowed with the feathers of "Unusual Scene" specimen, a complete virus lab, virus lab process with work tables, vessel used for experiment, experimenters, slices, and specimen, and stimulant plague spot.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
