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与 solemnization 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This Agreement shall take effect only upon the lawful solemnization of the marriage between the parties.


At monthly meetings also marriages are sanctioned previous to their solemnization at a meeting for worship.


According to the best of my knowledge and belief, there is no consanguinity or other lawful cause to bar or hinder the solemnization of the said marriage.


Although Russia already disintegrate , but this day of important to one is being remained for Russia time , the whole nation held solemnization ceremony by the convention up and down .


Solemnization of the said marriage.


The Mormons submitted, however, and their president, Wilford Woodruff, issued a "Manifesto" which, being accepted by the Latter-Day Saints in General Conference, withdrew the sanction of the Church from the further solemnization of any marriages forbidden by the law of the land.


At the time and place appointed for the solemnization of matrimony, the persons to be married shall take their places before the minister, the man having the woman at his left hand, and all present reverently standing.


IN AWE \ 青蛙婚礼 Children watched in awe at a "solemnization of a frog marriage" ritual in Madhyaboragari village, India, Sunday.


Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a will made on or after 29th August 1938 is expressed to be made in contemplation of a marriage, the will shall not be revoked by the solemnization of the marriage contemplated; and this subsection shall apply notwithstanding that the marriage contemplated may be the first, second or subsequent marriage of a person lawfully practising polygamy.

款有所规定,日及其后签立的遗嘱显虽然第 1 款有所规定,但是在 1938 年 8 月 29 日及其后签立的遗嘱示出立遗嘱人在该遗嘱订立时,正预期与某人缔结婚姻,而且其意愿是不欲该遗嘱因该段婚姻而撤销,则该遗嘱不得因立遗嘱人与该人缔结婚姻而撤销。

The solemnization of the attainment of the age of religious maturity takes place on the first Sabbath of the fourteenth year, when the Bar Miwah is called up (see 'Aliyah) to read a chapter from the weekly portion of the Law, either as one of the seven men or as the eighth, where it is customary to read the closing chapter and the Hafarah; and if he be unable to read, to recite at least the benediction before and after the reading, while the father offers silently the rather strange benediction:"Blessed be He who has taken the responsibility for this child's doing from me" see Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, ccxxv.

该solemnization的实现年龄的成熟宗教所发生的第一个安息日的第十四届一年,当酒吧miwah是所谓的改为一章,从每周一次的一部分的法律,无论是作为一个该七名男子或作为第八个,而按照惯例,改为闭幕章和hafarah ;如果他不能阅读,背诵至少功德之前和之后读,而父亲提供默默颇为奇怪功德说:"有福被他的人已经承担了责任,为这个孩子的做法,从我身上"(见shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , ccxxv 。


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