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与 socialisation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The "pro" of partial socialisation is that it eliminates the risk of another panic among creditors or spillovers on to investors in the liabilities of banks, such as insurance and pension funds.


No doubt the socialisation of most financial intermediation would be costly as regards dynamism and innovation, but if the risk of instability is too great and the cost of instability too high, then that may be a cost worth paying.


There is a very disturbing short story— Everything , by Ingeborg Bachmann—about a father who is scared of dominating, and scared of socialisation, such that he completely abandons any form of teaching/interaction with his child.

我们支配他们。在另一个极端,我们放弃责任,让机会或其他人介入,控制我们的孩子(Ingeborg Bachmann写了一个题为《一切》的短篇小说,讲的是一位父亲对主宰和社会化过于畏惧以至于拒绝对他的孩子采取任何形式的教育/互动)。

Chris Woodhead, the former Chief Inspector of Schools, who undertook a more limited review of primary teaching for the previous Conservative Government with both Professor Alexander and Sir Jim, said he feared a later start would lead to lower standards: It is reasonable when children arrive at school for the emphasis to be on socialisation, but I see no reason to postpone the start of formal learning.


Nursery school, more frequent daily socialisation at children recreation centres, parks and playgrounds, are, when the child is over six months old, the occasions through which you come in contact with other mothers and other children the same age as yours.


The answer to the question is not particularly edifying, though not for the reason that the Republicans would have us believe, with their apocalyptic warnings about "nationalisation","socialisation" and "death panels".


Richard Jerram, an economist at Macquarie Capital Securities in Tokyo, calls the planned moratorium "the socialisation of risk".


Through Iris Marion Young's "feminine body"(socialisation of side space, the three modals of the mobility of feminine body, and the spatial features of the mobility of feminine body), this research is to analyse female artistic gymnasts' body experience in their speciality and other activities and their experience in ball playing.

本研究主要目的在於透过Iris Marion Young的「阴性身体」:侧边空间社会化、阴性身体活动力的三模态及阴性身体活动力的空间性来分析女性竞技体操选手在专项、非专项的身体经验及打球经验。

Excellence" and "choice" are two main symbolic words produced by the conservative educational policy text in the 1980s. They passed through "the great school debate" in the distribution level to acquire legitimisation, and then through the "democratic conversation with the neo-progressivism in the reception level to achieve socialisation.


Mr Obama's planned reforms imply some greater "socialisation" of healthcare in the US – through universal insurance cover, prevention programmes, direct drug price negotiations by the state and more public funding of research.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
