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rule out相关的网络例句

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与 rule out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be used to rule out other causes of anaemia and red cell abnormalities.


This sort of imagination can totally get rid of entanglement from fame and material gain , thoroughly rule out any situation of having to take consideration of their livelihood into accounts of such thinking , make it possible for them to weave fabric of their thinking surrounding the afflatus in a absolutely undisturbed doldrums.


These iews are used to assess the integrity of the ertebrae and the presence and regularity of the whole spine (to rule out sacral agenesis and scoliosis).


In summary, our results indicate that hypohidrosis is a frequent adverse effect in children with topiramate therapy. Younger age and hot weather rather than drug dosage are independent risk factors for topiramate-associated hypohidrosis. The resultes also rule out the possibility that topiramate act on its known mechanisms of action, such as potentiating GABA activity at GABAA receptors and antagonizing the AMPA/KA subtype of glutamate receptor in the secretory cells of sweat glands to inhibit sweat secretion. Our data also suggest that topiramate impairs sudomotor function in mice and leads to a significant reduction in AQP5 expression in sweat glands of anhidrotic mice, thus raising the possibility that dysregulation of AQP5 may contribute to topiramate related hypohidrosis. CA inhibition may not be an important contributor since CA II expression and CA activity was intact in anhidrotic mice treated with topiramate.


He/she may rule out other reasons to feel drowsy eg lack of sleep or having another condition eg sleep apnoea, depression, misusing drugs etc. Approximately four out of five people with narcolepsy also suffer with cataplexy.


Placement of late-span value is still an opportunity in the area in large numbers are more optimistic about the first 015 out cross-4,5,6,7,8, 2,3 cross-trumpet area to consider doing less, No. 016 concerns 4, 6,7,8,9 cross-out, rule out the possibility of three cross-value occurs, the first 017 candidates span the value of cross-3,5,6,7,9, 4,8 even cross there is little hope.


Rule 3:You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school.

Rule 4。如果你认为你的老师很苛刻,等你有了老板你就知道了。

A series of investigations, including surgery, may be carried out to rule out various conditions.


Data mining analyzes the present data with auto or semi-auto methods, deciphers new facts and finds out some unknown new relations to rule out some meaningful relations or principals, so that the useful information gets extracted and sent to decision-makers as decision making techniques.


Still, Hyuns rejection of the Norths explanation is a sign the South does not rule that possibility out.

rule out拒绝考虑,把…排除在外,使成为不可能

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
