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London may not be able to 'compete' with China in terms of the facilities but I believe the kindness of the Chinese people can be rivalled.


A millennium ago, Ani rivalled Byzantium as one of the great cities ofthe Christian world. At its height, the Armenian capital had over 100,000 inhabitants.


The net of mobile communication fast the operation efficiency with the mobile phone, dou Yuanxun at the computer, offerred service also cannot be rivalled with the computer.


Canada, with hydro-rich Quebec and British Columbia, only a decade ago rivalled the United States and Europe in primary aluminum production.


And the old ways of earning a living rivalled by new agricultural techniques,by commerce with hitherto unknown parts of the globe, and by new crafts with strane machines that saved labor and that ran without the traditional human or animal power


It is said, moreover, that he used to dice the whole night through, after he had taken up that vice in Syria, and that he so rivalled Caligula, Nero, and Vitellius in their vices as to wander about at night through taverns and brothels with only a common travelling-cap for a head-covering, revel with various rowdies, and engage in brawls, concealing his identity the while;35 and often, they say, when he returned, his face was beaten black and blue, and once he was recognised in a tavern even though he had hidden himself.


Chicago's huge enthnic mix also gives rise to a variety of cuisines rivalled,arguably,only by New York.you will find anything and everything to eat here.from Italian to Thai food;the city has also been called the second home of pizza,the result of a large Italian immigrant population in the early days of its development.while many of these Mediterranean migrants forged successful,legitimate businesses,some of their Sicilian brethren gave the city its welldeserved reputation as one of organised crime in America.


The head, of which only the back was visible, rivalled in outline that of the Greek Psyche, and was rather displayed than concealed by an elegant cap of gaze aerienne, which put me in mind of the ventum textilem of Apuleius.

头部虽然仅仅可以看到后面,但其轮廓足以与希腊的灵魂之神普塞克媲美。而头上典雅的轻纱帽子,没有遮盖,而是显示出头部的美丽,使我想起阿普列乌斯的一种叫ventum textilem的织物。

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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


I used this great program before and I think it is one of the best Registry cleaners out there.
