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It will not agglomerate even after being reserved for a long time and it is very easy to use.


The thinkers of the Lunyu School fully expressed their persistence of individualism and their reconsideration in literary modernity Yet the persistence and escape existed side by side, this mode of behavior and thinking indicated that the self-subject of the modern scholars was illusive and was hard to carry on when the modern scholars were covered by the powerful tradition and deeply controlled by modernity's consciousness of time Chapter Two Reconsidering on the character of modernity with leisure ampleness, resisting the human alienation caused by modern materialism and mechanism with humor, reaffirming the space of self-expression, which formed the humor, the leisure, the modern, and the aesthetic spirit implication of Lunyu School But the modern scholar's powerful inclining to the tradition made Lunyu School's aestheticism draw close to live in seclusion And its aesthetic modernity is also discounted for that reason Chapter Three It is the emotion and the leisure manner owning by the middle aged people that help to bring about Lunyu School's essay's adjusting in main key and moving massively in theme Lunyu School changed the way for "gaining the experience of life"in the twenties'prose It went from highly enthusiastic writings to reserved life-concerning and recite with appreciation in everyday life

第一章 三十年代左翼文学以其"新"、"进步"和"时代性"确立了自己的合理性地位,而时代思潮的转换、文艺与政治的日益密切使五四自由知识分子所坚持的个人主义成了"落伍""颓废"的表征。论语派自由思想者充分表达了对个人主义的执着、对文学现代性的反思,但坚持与逃逸并存的行为与思维模式表明现代士子在忧生伤世的强大传统笼罩下和一往无前的现代性时间意识的深刻控制下,个人主体的难以为继和虚幻性。第二章以闲适的余裕对奔竞躁进、汲汲功利、一往无前的现代性特征进行反思,以幽默对抗现代物质主义机械主义对人灵智的异化,重申自我表现的空间,构成论语派幽默闲适的现代性审美精神内涵。但现代文人对于传统的强大趋同力,则使论语派审美主义向隐逸文化靠拢,其审美现代性由此大打折扣。第三章中年情感与闲适气度直接促成论语派散文基调上的调整及主题的大幅横移,在趣味、游戏、幽默、闲适中改变了二十年代散文"问世"的径路,从意兴湍飞的激扬文字走向了沉潜适世的生命关怀与日常人生的吟味与咀嚼。

A simplified vessel network consisting of arteriole, open and reserved capillaries, venule, initial lymphatics and arteriole-venule anastomose is adopted as the geometrical model.


Can (2 ounces) flat anchovy fillets in oil, drained, with oil reserved, and minced


When we leave this jurisprudence at the epoch of its final reconstruction by Justinian, few traces of archaism can be discovered in any part of it except in the single article of the extensive powers still reserved to the living Parent.


The result was satisfactory. Conclusion Nipple inversion can be effectively treated with triangular flaps of areola with superficial skin reserved.


Some of them, such as Antoine Arnauld and the greater number of the religious of Port-Roval, defying both the ecclesiastical and the civil authority, refused their signature, on the pretext that it was not in the power of any person to command them to perform an act of hypocrisy, others subscribed, but at the same time protesting more or less openly that it applied only to the question of right, that the question of fact was reserved and should be so, since in this respect the Church had no jurisdiction, and above all no infallibility.

他们中的一些,如安托arnauld和更大数量的宗教港口roval ,不畏都教会和公务员的权力,拒绝其签字,就为借口,那不是在权力的任何人的命令他们执行的行为,虚伪,其他认购,但在同一时间,抗议更多或更少公开表示,只适用于该问题的权利,这个问题其实是保留和应如此,因为在这方面,教会没有管辖权,及以上所有没有

Besides the immense sums above mentioned, which were amassed by ATHENS, and by the PTOLEMIES, and other successors of ALEXANDER; we learn from PLATO, that the frugal LACEDEMONIANS had also collected a great treasure; and ARRIAN and PLUTARCH take notice of the riches which ALEXANDER got possession of on the conquest of SUSA and ECBATANA, and which were reserved, some of them, from the time of CYRUS.


At the same time, the film has a superior natural conditions and traffic conditions: Backed by Antoine Hill, Tong Long Hill, South of Shenzhen Bay magnificent sea view balconies, arrogation of 204 hectares of mangrove beauty, with 66 hectares of the Park Fair; Subway , Guangzhou-Shenzhen Highway here have a direct entrance, Shennan, North Central, Xiangmihu Second Cross Road, one longitudinal freedom of movement throughout the urban area …… planned subway station in Zhuzilin Zhuzilin reserved.

与此同时,电影有一个优越的自然条件和交通状况:背靠安托山,佟隆山,南方的深圳湾壮丽海景阳台,僭越204公顷的红树林美景, 66公顷的公园公正;地铁站,广州至深圳高速公路这里有直接的入口,深南,北环,香蜜湖第二条路,一纵的行动自由,整个市区……计划在竹子林地铁站竹子林保留。

But the role of allograft and xenograft as carriers of rhBMP-2 in spine arthrodesis wasn't reported and reserved exploring


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
