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与 prevention 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In early 2007, the County Board of Health to develop and that the " in 2007 with chronic non-communicable diseases prevention and control work plan" for the county's chronic disease prevention and treatment of a specific request to do with the arrangement requiring all township hospitals chronic diseases Morbidity and mortality monitoring, with full-time or part-time staff of chronic disease prevention and control through a year of work, the initial establishment of the county, township and village levels chronic disease prevention and control network.


Approximately 47 million Americans, or about one in six people in the U.S., were sickened with swine flu from April to mid-November and 9,820 of them died, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, indicating the new virus spread widely before cresting last month.

美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)周四表示,今年4月至11月中旬,美国约有4700万人患甲型H1N1流感,相当于每六个美国人中就一人得病,有9,820人死亡。该机构指出,这一病毒在美国广泛传播,在上个月达到了顶峰。

I have engaged in the research of rice stripe blight control for many years in Shanghai farm and found some problems: though there were some reports of research on rice stripe blight resistance, strategy of prevention and cure for the disease has been face to farmer mainly, while geographical location, cultivars and cultivation system adopted on the Farm all affect the effect of control. On the other hand, our Farm has paid attention to the chemical prevention and cure for rice stripe blight and ignored other measures. As for the chemical prevention and cure, phenomenon of drug-resistance and bad effect of prevention and cure existed usually.


Results: The major findings are:(1) the public held strong belief in the preventability of AIDS/STDs and considered prevention was of greater importance than biomedical interventions,(2) of the possible prevention strategies proposed by the research participants, personal behavior control was deemed as the most ef fective; meanwhile a sense of powerlessness was expressed while mentioning the government's responsibility for keeping the quality of blood supply and managing the potential dangers posed by other people's behavior,(3) condoms were well accepted as an effective tool for AIDS/STDs prevention but were used mostly for the purposes of contraception than HIV/STDs prevention, and (4) people were unwilling to use condom mainly due to sensational and psychological discomforts.


Several dozen researchers, led by Rebecca Garten of America's Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, sequenced full or partial genomes of 76 samples of the new virus, which has afflicted almost 13,000 people around the world so far.

美国疾病控制和预防中心(America's Centres for Disease Control and Prevention)的Rebecca Garten领导的几十名研究者测定了这种新病毒的76个样本全部或者部分的基因组序列。这种新的病毒到目前为止致使全球将近13000人染病。

This paper is about the position and fanction in the society of forestry road of Fujian Province,analying the water damage reason of foresty road from low congenital standard desing,some prevention and cure measure are advanced in overall technological transform so as to encourage to raise a mew level in frighting calamities ability of forestry road of Fujian Province Keywords:forestry road the reason of water damage prevention measure

提要:本文叙述了福建省林业公路在社会上的地位作用,从林业公路先天性设计标准低等方面分析了林业公路发生水毁的原因,提出了进行全面技术改造等防治水毁的一些措施,以促使福建省林业公路的抗水毁能力提高到一个全新水平。林业公路水毁原因防治措施The Analysis of Water Damage Reason and Prevention Measure of Forestry Ro

DATA SOURCES: Articles on carcinoma of large intestine published between January 1980 and December 2003 were retrieved in NCBI Entrez PubMed with the key words of "carcinoma of large intestine, epidemiology and prevention" and the language restricted to English.

资料来源:应用计算机检索NCBI Entrez PubMed 1980-01/2003-12相关大肠癌流行病的文章,检索词为&large intestine cancer,epidemiology and prevention&,限定文章语言种类为English。

Article 21 People's governments at different levels shall reinforce their leadership in fire prevention of the ecological public welfare forest, implement the system of administrative leaders' responsibility for forest fire prevention, and ensure the supply of sufficient funds for forest fire prevention and suppression. The forestry administrative department of the people's government at or above county level shall set up publicity boards for forest fire prevention in the forest area and peripheral area hereof, construct fire-prevention forest belt or forest fire obstruction passage and establish fire suppression force.


By combining a case analysis and experiences and lessons from the fire prevention work, the author put forward the development direction and the key improvement of forest fire prevention technology as follows: keep on the studies on weather and situation of forest fire and the short-term, medium-term and long-term fire forecasting, establishing the countrywide forest fire forecasting system step by step, enhancing the biologic fire prevention construction based on forest- prevention web and system, improving the ability of the initial fire obstruction, expanding the forest fire plan, strengthening the management of combustible substances, completing the national satellite network for forest-fire monitoring as soon as possible, speeding up the construction of computer assistance decision system, GIS forest resources geography information system and the GPS world fixed position system, strengthening the fire prevention communication and the extinguishing fire with aviation airplane and chemistry, implementing the modernization of fire machine tool.


Based on the Common Intrusion Prevention Framework and the NetworkBased Intrusion Prevention System standards, we present an intrusion prevention system called Gigabits IPS, which is used to improve the prevention speed and accuracy, and to ensure highspeed network monitoring. The GIPS consists of the data capture module, the event generation engine, the policy script interpreter and the intrusion prevention module.


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Convention Prevention

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Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
