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与 premium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C Where the assured has no insurable interest throughout the currency of the risk, the premium is returnable, proviede that this rule does not apply to a policy effected by way of gaming or wagering; Where the assured has a defeasible interest which is terminated during the currency of the risk, the premium is not returnable; Where the assured has over-insured under an unvalued policy, a proportionate part of the premium is returnable; Subject to the foregoing provisions, where the assured has over-insured by double insurance, a proportionate part of the several premiums is returnable; Provided that, if the policy are effected at different times, and any earlier policy has at any time borne the entire risk, or if a claim has been paid on the policy in respect of the full sum insured thereby, no premium is returnable in respect of that policy, and when the double insurance is effected knowingly by the assured no premium is returnable.

c 如果在整个风险存在期间,被保险人无保险利益,保险费可予退回,但这一规则对赌博性保险单不适用。如果被保险人的可撤销的利益于风险存在期间终止,则保险费不能退回。如被保险人不定值保险单中超额保险,保险费得按比例退还一部分。除前述条款另有规定外,若被保险人经重复保险而超额保险,几笔保险费按比例退还。但是,如果几份保险单在不同时间开始生效,任何较早订立的保险单已在任何时间承保整个保险,或保险单已就全部保险金额支付赔偿,该保险单项下的保险费不能退回;若被保险人在明知的情况下订立重复保险,保险费不予退还。

CWhere the assured has no insurable interest throughout the c urrency of the risk, the premium is returnable, proviede that this rule does not apply to a policy effected by way of gaming or wagering;Where the assured has a defeasible interest which is termina ted during the currency of the risk, the premium is not returnable; Where the assured has over-insured under an unvalued policy, a proportionate part of the premium is returnable;Subject to the foregoing provisions, where the assured has o ver-insured by double insurance, a proportionate part of the several premiums is returnable; Provided that, if the policy are effected at different times, a nd any earlier policy has at any time borne the entire risk, or if a claim has b een paid on the policy in respect of the full sum insured thereby, no premium is returna ble in respect of that policy, and when the double insurance is effected knowingly by th e assured no premium is returnable.


Description: Nike Dunk Low Premium SB nike skateboard shoes Color: Net/Deep Orange-Dark Green Some are calling it the Guinness Dunk due to the Irish harp embroidered on the side, but the Eire Dunk, available in limited release for St.

以Nike Dunk Low Premium SB为原型的设计的爱尔兰版滑板鞋,限量发行,采用Net色、橙色与深绿色为主色搭配而成,在其侧面绣有爱尔兰的竖琴图案,是专为2006的圣帕特里克节

He will be a very new Dell notebook computer's operating system upgraded to Vista Premium, he likes Vista pretty 3D interface, but hate encountered the issue of hardware and software compatibility.

他将一台很新的Dell笔记本电脑的操作系统升级到了Vista Premium,他喜欢Vista漂亮的3D界面,但是讨厌遇到的硬件和软件兼容问题。

This paper is based on previous studies of value premium. The sample is from Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market, all the A stocks issued before 1999 are included. The paper tries to answer three questions:(1) whether there is value premium in Chinas stock market;(2) whether the value premium is caused by risk premium;(3) whether the value premium is caused by investor sentiment.


This edition combines all the features of Home Premium and Enterprise editions, and additionally comes with podcast creation support — which Microsoft has dubbed "blogcasting"— a game performance tweaker (code-named WinSAT), DVD ripping capabilities, and special online services for downloadable media, as well as additional customer service options.

这是 Windows Vista 各个版本中最令人惊讶的一个版本。在这个版本中包括了Home Premium和Enterprise editions的所有功能。这个版本提供了定级的数字视频处理能力,并可附加选择其他在线增值服务。

The report, nearly 20 years, the British high-end storage to restore the healthy growth of the beer market, but by Anheuser - Busch's of Beck's Vier and Stella Artois 4% and other times high-end (sub-premium) brand launched, high-end market growth appears ...

报告称,近20年来,英国高端贮藏啤酒市场恢复了良性增长,但继安海斯—布希旗下的 Beck's Vier和Stella Artois 4%等次高端(sub-premium)品牌推出后,高端市场增长出现。。。

Even odder is the use of the term "Premium" in the Home version's title.


It was repeatedly suggested to the Directors of the Reichsbank that they should cash their own notes not in gold but in thalers (which would have been well within the letter of the law) and payout gold only at a premium, with the object of hindering the export of it.

帝国银行的董事会反复接到这样的建议:他们不应当用黄金,而应该用&元&提现银行的纸币——完全符合法律条文,并且,人们兑付黄金时,要有一定的贴水( at a premium,有两个意思,一是银行兑付出,必须是兑换者有急迫的需求时。经济学的用语,此句即为黄金对&元&升水,必须补黄金以一定的差额),其目的在于妨止黄金的外流。

OZERNA PREMIUM is a high-performance, universal wash detergent, ideal for drycleaning shops and launderettes.

OZERNA PREMIUM 是一种高性能通用洗涤剂,干洗店和自助洗衣店都适用。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?