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与 premature 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on present work of genetic algorithms, the arising process of incest and premature convergence is discussed. The operating efficiency of genetic algorithms is analyzed from different view of points, and the conclusion is drawn from the analysis that there exists a lot of caducous operation during the evolution in the case of premature convergence.

在遗传算法现有研究成果的基础上,讨论了近亲繁殖和早熟收敛的产生过程,并从不同角度对遗传算法的操作效率进行了分析,得出在早熟收敛的情况下遗传操作存在大量无效操作的结论; 3。

Objective Discusses premature infant necrotic enterocolitis the dangerous factor,enhances understanding which treats to the premature infant NEC diagnosis and nurses.


Based on GIS, the Akesu region was divided into four cotton planting zones: the premature long-staple cotton area, the premature and mid-mature land cotton area, the premature land cotton area and the extraordinary premature land cotton area.


Abstract] objective to investigate the dorsal nerve amputation of the operation and effectiveness.methods in 2005~2008 years,the use of nerve to cut off the back of the penis for the treatment of patients with primary premature ejaculation of 218 cases,the combination of domestic and foreign information and the patients were reviewed.results with clear,defined diagnosis by indications operation,167 cases had significant effect,36 cases had a turn for the better,efficient rate was 93.12%,15 cases were ineffective,87% partner were satisfied.conclusion the dorsal neurectomy in the clinical practice of the view that the treatment of primary premature ejaculation is safe and effective,the effective rate was 93.12 percent,in the primary treatment of premature ejaculation is effective.

目的 探讨阴茎背神经切断术的手术方法和效果。方法选取我院2005~2008年,采用阴茎背神经切断术治疗原发性早泄病例218例,结合国内外资料及本组病例进行回顾性分析。结果本组病例诊断明确,有确定的手术指征,术后1个月开始过性生活,疗效显著167例,好转36例,有效率93.12%,无效15例,性伴侣满意度87%。结论阴茎背神经切断术经临床实践认为,治疗原发性早泄安全有效,是治疗原发性早泄的有效方法。

Result premature erupts simultaneously the most easily pneumonic, it is next hard swollen disease, asphyxial wait for other disease, reason breath management nurses in premature in particularly important, additional, premature reachs feed as a result of special physiology condition heat preservation also is very important.


At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms and 2000ms,the VWtimes increased markedly with the BCL prolonging, and the degree of increasing was even obviously when heart rate was slow (BCL=2000ms or 1000ms). The enlargement of VWs was a most important reason to increase the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias; 2)At the BCL of 500ms, 1000ms or 2000ms,the VWtimes of the premature stimulates S2 was at endomembrane were wider than at the outermembrane. We supposed that premature stimulates come from endomembrane was easier inducing VF compared with outermembrane;3The VWtime of unidirectional block was wider than reentry's, we can see that reporlarization dispersion changed dynamicly. 4The QRS polar of the premature stimulates was opposite the primary beats ,which suggesting that excitation of inducing premature beats was coming from epicardial. That is to say electrotonic potential take part in the creation of reentry;5With the ratio of the Tp-e/QT increasing the occurrence of VF was upgrading. So the ratio was an effective method to estimate the event of SCD.6 The VWtimes of S3 were broaden than S2's. But we can not study penetratingly, which is the contents of our future studies.

在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,随着刺激周长的增加单向传导阻滞时间易损窗呈增大趋势;并且在心率较慢时(BCL为2000ms和1000ms)增大最明显,是LQTS患者室性心律失常发生率增加的原因之一;2)在BCL为500ms、 1000ms和2000ms刺激条件下,S2位于内膜侧时时间易损窗大于在外膜侧时的,推测来自于内膜侧的期前刺激易于诱发室性心律失常;3)折返激动时间易损窗小于在单向传导阻滞时间易损窗,折返易发生于S2刚进入单向传导阻滞区间时,这说明复极梯度的不均一是动态变化的;4心电图上倒置QRS波与正常S1刺激所引起QRS波极性相反,提示不同位置S2刺激引发的室性早搏的兴奋均来自于外膜侧,说明了电紧张电位扩布参与了折返的产生;5)Tp-e/QT可以反应跨膜复极离散度,随着Tp-e/QT比值的增加PVT的发生增多,其可以用来预测室性心律失常的发生。6)随着期前刺激数目的增加时间易损窗增大。

Generally speaking, placentalia's premature delivery can be divided into two kinds, premature delivery for abandonment and premature delivery at a cost .


The incidence of intra-atrial aberrant conduction post-premature atrial systole, premature junctional systole, premature ventricular systole, pararrhythmia, short duration of supraventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation were 63.7%, 14.3%, 11.0%, 7.7%, 2.2%, 1.1%, respectively. Of all the cases, 74.9% suffered from cardiovascular disease, 62.8% were patients older than 60 years with cardiovascular disease, 12.1% were complicated by heart failure.

结果 总发生率为0.43%,房性早搏后引起者占63.7%,交接性早搏后占14.3%,室性早搏后占11.0%,并行心律后占7.7%,短阵性室上速后占2.2%,短阵性心房颤动后占1.1%。74.9%有心血管疾病,60岁以上老年心血管病患者占62.8%,12.1%合并有心衰。

The incidence of major abnormal ECG were 7.3% for STT changes, 5.6% for sinus tachycardia, 4.4% for sinus arrhythmia, 3.4% for ventricular premature beats, 2.0% for bundle branch block and 1.8% for atrial premature beats; Apart from preexcitation syndrome, the incidence of abnormal ECG for male was higher than that of female;Most of abnormal ECG increased with age. A few abnormal ECG such as sinus tachycardia, sinus arrhythmia, sick sinus syndrome decreased with age. The incidence of sinus bradycardia and preexcitation syndrome were bail shape with age. Half of abnormal ECG adults had at least two abnormal ECG, such as STT changes combined with ventricular premature beats or bundle branch block.


Results: About 160 patients of premature beat, the effective rate of general curative effects is 84.38%, while the total effective rate of the premature beat is 83.76%;Premature beats reduce significantly in Holter, from 335.26±329.31 times/24hours to 206.73±289.15 times/24hours(P.001);The effective rate of total clinical symptoms improved is 86.89%; The mild and moderate patients have efficiency respectively for 90.77%、85.71%.


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Premature Ejaculation
What Makes It Good To You (No Premature Lovin')

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
