英语人>网络例句>preferable 相关的网络例句

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与 preferable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the business partner will take part in the party, it is more preferable to dress a suit.


Concluˉsion Dura mater is likely to be a preferable allograft material for repairing alimentary tract fistula and skin defect.


QUOTE: 2、Tournament Dustbowl: On this map it is preferable to base walk to the tiberium field close to your starting position and harass your opponent, if he tries to expand then flank him to cause havoc in his attempts to defend.

Tournament Dustbowl:这地图上一个更好的选择就是把你家的基地车打起来,让它爬到离起始点很近的矿区旁边去,郁闷死你对手,哼哼。如果他小样想扩张,就偷袭他,让他刚想开始的防守沉到地底下去。。录像

Edger took the view that Chinese control over central Tibet would be preferable from the missionary point of view because it would break the power of the monasteries and make it possible for missionaries to work in comparative safety


The revised schemes were designed basing on the original model features, and central planer coil structure was preferable by analyzing electromagnetic attraction force of movable contact.


I prefer the preferable preference you referred to in the refer ence books.


A dark suit is preferable to a light one for evening wear.


Newell, et al ., found 10 huge filamentary structures that are the preferable pathways of water vapor movement in the troposphere (the lower 10-20 km of the atmosphere) with flow rates of about 165 million kilograms of water per second.


In fact, in many cases filing bankruptcy is preferable to working with a credit counseling company.


The double filter paper bed was preferable considering the experimentation effect in laboratory.


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Following the pattern set by the first two Desolator Airstrikes, the Desolator Delta Airstrike utilizes three bombers and has a very large area of effect.


These structures impose limits on risk-taking that publicly traded companies do not.


It is the outcome of presupposition.
