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与 preferable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The utilization of preparing iron oxide red by pyrite cinder, which can not only control the cinders pollution but also can supply the new technology and new material. It has preferable social, economic and environmental benefits.


Location: Plant passion fruit vines in full sun except in very hot areas where partial shade is preferable.


The cyclone separators were the preferable cmde removers in the high temperature dust removal technology.


Power engineer may also work on systems that do not connect to the grid, called off-grid power systems, which in some cases are preferable to on-grid systems.


A balanced position (50% electrode positive and negative polarities) is preferable for welding heavily oxidised aluminium.


Therefore, a statistically large pool of receivables due from many obligors, for which payment is reasonably predictable, is generally preferable to a pool of a smaller number of receivables due from a few obligors.

因此,在统计上的大池的应收款项很多obligors ,为此支付合理的可预测性,是一般可取一批为数较少的应收款项从几obligors 。

It was found that Lewis acid-metal is a preferable catalyst system for the polymeri- zation of aromatic nitriles, and the polymerization rate is as about 10 times fast as Lewis acid alone.


Feeling energetic, well-rested, and calm in body will put you in preferable spirits.


Many researchers have investigated the influence of AMF on vacuum arc. And most of them point out that uniformly distributed AMF is preferable. However, at higher current even under very uniform AMF, vacuum arc still tends to constrict, which will result in the failure of break. Further more, very strong uniform AMF has some disadvantages also.


NO·1层: No girl 主 have to marry 谓 a man 宾 whose continue title have the alike initial as ITs ,定语语法 for, as the rhyme goes,"Change 状语语法 the title but not the letter, marry for worse instead of preferable."

要点 这是个主从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语语法。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的语法之间,造成for和它引导的语法的分离,中文英语互译时,可译成唯一主谓框架。译文妞妞不该嫁给与本人的姓的首字母相同的人,因该正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
