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Okay, yes, you do look great after primping and preening for the dinner party we don't want to go to (see "I'm fed up with date night").


We may have baulked at his diving in his early days, been put off by his petulance and preening and decried his air of arrogance but it is a simple fact that, whoever United splash out on to replace Ronaldo this summer, they will be a lesser side without him.


The invasion of Mynas has coincided with the disappearance of many native birds.Preening in Kolkata , West Bengal , India .


The invasion of Mynas has coincided with the disappearance of many native birds.Preening in Kolkata , West Bengal , India .


"The shapes and sizes of bills are adapted for obtaining food, preening, building nests, and other functions; they range from the long, slim bill of nectar-sipping hummingbirds to the sturdy, curved, nut-cracking bill of parrots."


"The shapes and sizes of bills are adapt ed for obtaining food, preening, building nests, and other functions; they range from the long, slim bill of nectar-sipping hummingbirds to the sturdy, curved, nut-cracking bill of parrots."


"The shapes and sizes of bills are adapted for obtaining food, preening, building nests, and other functions; they range from the long, slim bill of nectar-sipping hummingbirds to the sturdy, curved, nut-cracking bill of parrot s."


Image:"High in an old tree, a snow owl preening its feathers"Message: Top priorities.

境像:&在古树的高处,一只雪鸮在整理自己的翎& ilka:雪鸮是猫头鹰里的大家伙

My 15-year-old is disinclined to work for her GCSEs, saying her time is better spent preening herself in preparation for assignations with her delightful, diligent, privately educated, moneyed boyfriend.


My 15-year-old is disinclined to work for her GCSEs, saying her time is better spent preening herself in preparation for assignations with her delightful, diligent, privately educated, moneyed boyfriend.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


I used this great program before and I think it is one of the best Registry cleaners out there.
