英语人>网络例句>pope 相关的网络例句
与 pope 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even in the realm of total speculation,it's hard not to imagine the involvement of Pope Alexander VI,who came to power near the same time as the game timeline.

在大量的猜测中,你很难不想到游戏中不会出现Pope Alexander VI,在游戏时间轴上几乎同时掌权的人。

Items that stand out are articles about John Abruzzi, an ad for "Czechoslovakian Brides," and a history of Warden Pope.

镜头重点记录的是——有关 John Abruzzi 的新闻,"捷克斯洛伐克新娘"的广告,监狱长 Pope 的生平。

Pope asks what it is. Bellick replies gruffly," Scofield. He's blocking the transfer."

Pope 问是什么。 Bellick 没好气的回答,"是 Scofield ,他写了申请对转监提出抗议。"

Mr. Pope, in our line of work


Poppa/papa/pope :(Italian,portuguese,English,many others),The dead of beloved pope John Paul II kept the words on the lips of the faithful around the world.


AT POPE'S CREEK, on America's Potomac river, there's a pre-Columbian rubbish tip of oyster shells covering 30 acres, to an average depth of ten feet.


In this paper,two nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filtering methods are presented and they are based on the multispectral anisotropic diffusion models proposed by Pope and Acton.We build a couple of new diffusion coefficients in partial derivative equation based on Tukey's biweight estimator error norm by recurring to the relationship between robust statistics and anisotropic diffusion incorporated with the nonlinear time-dependent cooling technique for gradient threshold.

在Pope和Acton提出的两个多光谱图像各向异性扩散滤波模型的基础上,通过各向异性扩散和稳健统计学的联系,建立了基于B iwe ight Estim ator误差模型的扩散系数,同时利用非线性退化技术对梯度阈值的改进,提出了两个基于各向异性扩散方程的非线性滤波方法。

Pope assures Governor Tancredi, It's impossible for anyone from A-Wing to get to Sick Bay.

Pope 请州长 Tancredi 放心,A区的犯人是不可能进入到病号房区域的。

Larry Pope, Smithfield's president and chief executive officer.

Larry Pope,史密斯菲尔德公司的主席兼执行总裁。

The Christian world protested strongly against the massacre and Sultan Ajub apologized in 1246 to Pope Innocent IV saying that everything was done without his knowledge. He also informed the Pope that he had handed the keys of the basilica to two Moslem families who were to open the doors of the basilica to the pilgrims who arrived at the site. These keepers of the keys of the Holy Sepulchre opened the church only on certain days and after receiving an adequate compensation.

基督徒的世界,如火如荼地抗议这种大屠杀,於是埃及王在西元1246年向教宗(Pope Innocent = 4 \* ROMAN IV)赔罪,解释他本人不知甚详,Ajub王也向教宗说明,此后将由两家回教人管理圣堂的钥匙,负责为朝圣客开关,这些掌钥人,只在固定的数日打开殿门,完了,又收取大量报酬,可惜!

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Fuck The Pope
Hood Pope
Bar-B-Q Pope
The Pope And The Dope
Poke At The Pope
An Audience With The Pope
Chocolate Pope
The Rejected Mexican Pope Leaves The Stage

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
