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与 plate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then according to the cascade of IPS and LPS, the multi-stage rearrangeable nonblocking Omega network was introduced. Moreover, the method of bipartition graph was adopted to ascertain the node state of each stage. At last, a module of the rearrangeable nonblocking Omega network, which was integrated with polarizing beam-splitter,λ/2 wave plate and perfect shuffle Plates, was constructed.

该方法通过逆混洗(Inverse Perfect Shuffle, IPS)和左混洗(Lott Perfect Shuffle, LPS)的串联,构成多级的可重排、无阻塞的Omega网络,采用二分图法依次确定各级节点开关的状态,最后通过偏振分光棱镜(Polarizing Beam Splitter, PBS)、半波片(λ/2 wave plate)和PS Plate的组合,得到可重排、无阻塞的Omega网络交换模块。

In addition, the item also showcased Plate Rite 4a and Plate Rite doubled to Niagara Treasury. B2-format of Plate Rite 4300E can output per hour of 11 blocks, and can upgrade to a faster (21 block printing plate/hour) of Plate Rite 4a S tabll.

此外,网屏公司还展不入了Plate Rite 4300和Plate Rite 8200 Niagara制版机。B2幅背的Plate Rite 4300E每小时能输入11块印版,并且能进级到速率更迟(21块印版/小时)的Plate Rite 4300 S机型。

The new technique allows First Order Shear Deformation Plate Theory orClassical Plate Theory to be used for modeling built-up wing structures, sandwich wing structures or the wing structures which the volume between upper and lower skin is empty or solid with a'general planform.

根据翼面的几何和结构特点,新技术能够自主选择经典板理论(Classical Plate Theory,简称CPT)或第一阶剪切变形板理论(First Order Shear Deformation Plate Theory,简称FSDPT),具有模拟空心、实心、夹层和组合等形式的翼面结构及三维建模的能力。

Steel moment-resisting frames with welded beam-to-column connection were traditionally regarded as having excellent performance, and widely adopted in steel constructions, but this opinion changed after the 1994 Northrige earthquake and the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. These earthquakes also arouse engineers to resurvey the behavior of end-plate connections. It is well known that end-plate connections have definite flexibility, which can increase damp, prolong period, and decease swing of structure. So it can reduce the damage, and is one of the best choices for resisting earthquake.

中文题名钢框架梁柱端板连接在循环荷载作用下的破坏机理及抗震设计对策副题名外文题名 Collapse mechanism and design criterion of steel beam-to-column end-plate connections under cyclic load 论文作者郭兵导师顾强学科专业结构工程研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位西安建筑科技大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数127页关键词钢结构框架结构抗震设计钢框架梁柱端板连接馆藏号BSLW /2003 /TU392 /6 传统观点认为,梁柱焊接刚性连接具有较好的抗震性能,因此在工程中得到了广泛地应用,但1994年的Northrige地震和1995年的阪神地震改变了这种传统观点,这两次地震也引起了工程技术人员对端板连接的再审视。

Americans can even pay an extra fee to get a special license plate, called a vanity plate , showing a unique combination of letters or numbers they have chosen for themselves.

美国人甚至可以多花一些钱卖一个特殊的车牌号,叫做 vanity plate,以展示他们自选字母或数字的独特组合。

Americans can even pay an extra fee to get a special license plate, called a vanity plate, showing a unique combination of letters or numbers they have chosen for themselves.

美国人甚至可以多花一些钱卖一个特殊的车牌号,叫做vanity plate,以展示他们自选字母或数字的独特组合。抬高踩低,奉和逢迎,是人性。人不为己,天诛地灭,是真理。人为财死,鸟为食亡,是事实。

Methods: Isolated rat costalchondral growth plate by microdissection, dispersed RGC (rat costochondral growth plate chondrocyte) were obtained by digestion (0.05% hyaluronidase and 0.2% collagenase type Ⅱ), inoculated and cultured in monolayer....

显微解剖分离出大鼠肋生长板,酶消化法(0.05%透明质酸酶和0.2%Ⅱ型胶原酶)获得分散的大鼠肋生长板软骨细胞(rat costochondral growth plate chondrocyte,RGC),常规接种,单层培养。

The index plates available with the Brown and Sharpe milling machines are Plate no.1: 15, 16, 17,18,19,20 holes The index plate used on Cincinnati and Parkinson dividing heads is Plate 1: Side 1 4,25,28,30,34,37,38,39,41,42 and 43 holes It is also possible to get additional plates from Cincinnati to increase the indexing capability a follows: Plate 2: Side 1 4,46,79,93,109,123,139,153,167,181,197 holes Plate 3: Side 1 26,42,73,87,103,119,133,149,161,175,191 holes

The索引板材可利用对布朗和Sharpe铣床是 Plate no.1 : 15, 16, 17,18,19,20个孔 The在辛辛那提和帕金森分度头使用的索引板材是 Plate 1 :一面4,25,28,30,34,37,38,39,41,42个和43个孔 It也是可能从辛辛那提得到另外的板材增加索引能力a跟随: Plate 2 :一面4,46,79,93,109,123,139,153,167,181,197个孔 Plate 3 :一面26,42,73,87,103,119,133,149,161,175,191个孔

License plate character segmentation is one of the three key technologies of Vehicle License Plate Recognition System.

1引言车牌字符分割是车牌识别系统(Vehicle License Plate Recognition System,简称VLPRS)的三大关键技术之一。

Plate column; plate tower

盘;牛胸肉;平板培养基 plate

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Head On A Plate
Hot-Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
Paper Plate
Eggs On Plate
Kenny Rogers - Pharoahe Monch Dub Plate
Whitney Houston Dub Plate
Whitney Houston Dub Plate

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
