英语人>网络例句>pi 相关的网络例句
与 pi 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

N monk by the name of Luca Pocioli, was a mathema ti cian who tought in various universities in Pe ru gia, Na ples, Pi sa, and Flor ence.


In this article, the research progresses on molecular level of known plant Pi transporters in last decade were reviewed.


VanGogh at least could have his colours and his pi


VanGogh at least could have his colours and his pi stol.


Become to avoid the personal computer of the user " fryer ", policeman clew: Zhuang of appearance of emperor live abroad provides dinner for fine glucoside of そ of V of ? of 3 approach pointing to ? steps on north of low gallopping extensive ⒍ of Luo of ? of avoid of shovel of badger of acenaphthene of ? of ? of collect of Nai of Cong Chuanghuan Jian of summary Ji of Pi of play of grey ? of dispatch of joyous ? of ? shaddock boundless and indistinct seeks chaste tree of ? of ┑ blade


Concretely, we assume we have inputs x1,...,xn, where player i knows xi, andwe want to compute f(x1,...,xn)=(y1,...,yn) such that player i is guaranteed to learn yi,but can get nothing more than that.Secure Multiparty Computation protocol is an important area in cryptography.


Michael tells Sucre,"I need to go. I'll meet you in P.I.."

Michael 对 Sucre 说,&我要走了,我们在 PI 工作时再见。&

In 2 minuti Charlie Miller è riuscito a violare il sistema operativo Leopard sfruttando una falla del browser Safari , dimostrando come qualsiasi sistema operativo possa essere " bucato " dagli hacker più esperti.

在2分钟查理米勒能够违反了 Leopard的操作系统利用一个漏洞的 Safari浏览器,说明任何操作系统可以是&洗衣店&的经验更丰富的黑客的攻击。

In chapter 8, we discuss admissibility of strict Pi ps sampling scheme in a class of unequal probability without replacement sampling scheme presented by R.R.


The family decides to move from their home in Pondicherry, India to Canada, hitching a ride on a huge freighter.


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La Cosa Più Importante
3.14 Apple Pi
Pi-Di-Di-Di (Intel-Lú Puffy Hablando)
Non C'è Più
Una Notte E Forse Mai Più
Non C'è Più Fantasia
Più Bella Cosa
Più Che Puoi
Di Piú

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
