英语人>网络例句>oven 相关的网络例句
与 oven 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.


The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.


The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.

将暖敷袋放置微波炉中,用微波加热3--5分钟(根据各种不同部位的盐包)将盐袋加至烫手的温度,如温度过低二次加热时每次加热不得超过1分钟依次类推(中药包和外袋请勿放渗透微波炉加暖),将微波后的暖敷袋放渗入渗出外袋中然后放置暖敷部位。中药包根据病情情况可长期佩带。精油可配合热敷袋或中药包根腿部吸脂减肥 168据病情情况结合使用。

Turn off oven and cool meringues in oven 1 hour, then cool completely on sheets on a rack..


We have a large number of rich experience in the engineering and technical personnel and management staff, including specialist academic staff of more than 35%, we still have a number of elected to the equipment, such as laser engraving machine (4) semi-automatic painting machine and A large number of accompanying infrared oven, conventional oven, UV furnace, such as Punch.


Equipment in the industry in the leading position, with 4 large oven, in which two large-scale industrial oven, two large tunnel furnace to meet the various industrial and food-grade class size of object processing, and technological power, has Over more than a decade of technical instructors, has accumulated a wealth of technology and strength.


BIRAL BIO 30 high-temperature chain oil, a large number of wholesale BIRAL BIO 30 high-temperature chain oil, BTU reflow oven for, CONCEPTRONIC, earmarked for reflow oven for lead-free reflow furnace use, in line with EU environmental requirements.

BIRAL BIO 30高温链条油,大量批发BIRAL BIO 30 高温链条油,为BTU回焊炉,CONCEPTRONIC,回焊炉指定专用,适合无铅回焊炉使用,符合欧盟环保要求。

May be you own any old portable wood burning oven and if you finished using it, we will be very thankful if you can give it to us and organize delivery of this oven to our adress (160 km from Moscow).


After the 24 h immersion in water, all specimens were oven-dried at 1050C for 24 h and weighed to calculate the moisture content based on the oven-dry weight.

在水里面的 24 h 浸渍之後,所有的样品在 1050C 为 24 h 是烤箱弄干的并且秤重计算被基於烤箱-干重量的湿气内容。

Scones: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) and place rack in middle of oven.

烤饼 :预热烤箱至400华氏度( 200摄氏度)和地点机架中的微波炉。

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Fresh Out The Oven
Warm As Momma's Oven

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
