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与 orbicular 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ResultsThirty-one cases of intramural myoma with hysterauxesis;2 cases of submucous myoma with orbicular-ovate space-occupying mass in cavitary uteri;4 cases of subserous myoma withh CT features of clear and lobulated mass or round mass at the edge of the uterus.ConclusionCT shows the location,size of hysteromyom,and the relationship with the uterus clearly,can also provides a clinical diagnosis to doctors.


Seed elliptic, obovoid-elliptic, or obtriangular, abaxial surface with a linear to orbicular chalazal knot, adaxial surface with a linear raphe; cross-section of endosperm T- or M-shaped.


METHODS: Through vestibular and columellar approach, the major alar cartilage and nasalis were repositioned to the normal anatomical positions, the deviated septum and columella were corrected by cutting the abnormal attachment of the orbicular muscle to the anterior nasal spine.


Leaf blade oblong, cordate, or orbicular

叶片长圆形,心形,或圆形 3

On the 22nd The Age of Stupid module be launched crossways the sphere in digit of the worlds large ever orbicular flick events.


Luanping orbicular dioritic pluton has special geochemical characteristics with unusual enrichment in Al 2 O 3 (21.58%~26.80%)and relative poorness of K 2 O(0.35%~1.87%).


Leaves basal, opposite; petiole 5-10 X 4-10 mm; leaf blade ovate to orbicular-ovate, 5-8 X 4-7 cm, papery, densely appressed puberulent and appressed pilose (hairs to 1 mm and to 3 mm), eglandular, base broadly cuneate, margin subentire to repand-crenate, apex acute to rounded; lateral veins ca.

叶基生,对生;叶柄5-10 X 4-10毫米;卵形叶片卵形到圆形, 5-8 X 4-7厘米,纸质,浓密贴伏被微柔毛和贴伏的具柔毛的(对1毫米和对3毫米的毛),无腺体,基部宽楔形,侧脉约4在中脉每边各,不明显。

Petal margin fimbriate proximally, undulate or entire distally; basal leaf blade ovate-cordate to broadly orbicular.


Bulb covered with a tunic. Leaves sessile, very rarely narrowed into a petiole, with a closed leaf sheath at base, linear, linear-lanceolate, or lorate to orbicular-ovate, cross section flat, angled, or semiterete to terete, fistulose or solid.


Culm sheaths tardily deciduous, leathery, glossy when fresh, ribbed-striate when dry, glabrous or stiffly hairy at basal margins only, apex subtruncate or slightly asymmetrical, arched; auricles undulate, wrinkled, inflated outward, densely hispidulous or subglabrous abaxially, unequal; larger auricle slightly decurrent, orbicular or ovate, 3.5–4 × 1–1.5 cm; small ones oblong or ovate, ca. 3 × 1–1.5 cm; ligule 4–5 mm, margin nearly entire and densely fimbriate; blade persistent, erect, inflated outward, ovate to oval, base slightly narrowed and then extended toward both sides and joined to auricles, apex abruptly acuminate, sharply tipped.

缓慢的竿箨脱落,似皮革,有光泽的新鲜时,波状的叶耳,起皱,膨大外面,浓密具短硬毛或近无毛背面,不等长;更大的叶耳稍下延,圆形或卵形, 3.5-4 * 1-1.5 厘米;小的长圆形或卵形,约 3 * 1-1.5 厘米;叶舌4-5毫米,和浓密流苏状的边缘近全缘;叶片宿存,直立,膨大的外面,卵形到卵圆形,叶片线形披针形到披针形,通常 8-23 * 1-2 厘米,两面无毛。

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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

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