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与 oppress 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Below paraplegia plane nerve trophopathy; The urine soaks the dirt skin to decrease the skin resistivity; Stands up from failure is not prompt causes to splash the spot long time bearing; The bed sheet not smooth or has the sediment and so on; May oppress or stimulates the skin have the bedsore.


To treat tyrannically; oppress.


In the relationship of oppress, we always on the situation of unknowing and vested interest.


Solomon expresses his disappointment and disgust at the prevalence of wickedness and oppression in the world. That one man would unmercifully and cruelly oppress another made him no better than a beast (3:18). Solomon concludes that it is better to never be born than to have life and see the evil on the earth.

提要 所罗门对於当时邪恶的普遍及压迫的存在,感到非常失望,一个人没有怜悯,只知用严刑压迫其他人,他的行为只像野兽一般(3:18);看到这些邪恶,所罗门倒希望自己不要出生,其实在他四周贪婪的邪恶,他认为也是虚空的。

It is just as unpatriotic to oppress one American as it is patriotic to favor another.


Maybe daydream is necessary in our everyday life. Mo Junfeng describes the secret of our everyday life of this time veraciously. Our desires are exposed but still oppressed. The angst from the oppress only have to show through daydream. So the scene in daydream exceeds the reality of everyday life a lot.


And yet he has found a way to think kindly of those who oppress his people and vilify his name.


And yet he has found a way to think kindly of those who oppress his people and vilify his name .


Now that like you such youngling seldom know clearly,after all,existent pressure met oppress our morality.


But the lichenism function mechanism, the f- ungus algae zymology, the physiological biochemistry circuit and the ecology comb- ination, the circumvention and oppress the anti-environmental effect factor and so on to repair the mechanism also to need specifically further to understand.


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D.O.P.E. (Drugs Oppress People Everyday)

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
