查询词典 occulted
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First, saved from waters of old Nile, among bulrushes, a bed of fasciated wattles: at last the cavity of a mountain, an occulted sepulchre amid the conclamation of the hillcat and the ossifrage.
During a total eclipse, the Sun's disk is completely occulted by the Moon.
The act of occulting or the state of being occulted.
The act of occulting or the state of being occulted .
These are people who time the instants when stars are occulted by skyscraper walls and determine the rate of precession of the Earth's axis.
The Sun eclipses the moon today; Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies.
During a total eclipse, the Sun's disk is completely occulted by the Moon.
The moon occulted Mars.a decorative heading to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing.
These are people who time the instants when stars are occulted by skyscraper walls and determine the rate of precession of the Earth's axis.
The research work discussed in this dissertation aims to image time-dependent 3-D distribution of ionospheric electron density, Ne, in the region to be recovered from the combination of ground-based GPS network measurements and GPS beacon observations obtained by a receiver on board of Low Earth Orbit satellite when the GPS satellite is occulted by the surface of the Earth as seen by the receiver.
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