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与 nobility 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

God knows, but I simply did not expect Oh, this time, the most noble of S, led by a wife her husband and her master only well-hatched ducklings - a flat chest, waist solder charming daughter entered , And after me when Yang Zhao high nobility of their secular eyes and nostrils.


"In pre-Revolutionary France, the representative assembly of the three "estates" or orders of the realm: the clergy and the nobility as well as the Third Estate, which represented the majority of the people."


Grace of outline, clean-cut head, sloping shoulders, deep chest, powerful back, strong quarters, good bone composition, adequate muscle, well carried tail and taut coat produce a look of nobility and indicate a heritage of purposefully conducted breeding.


A German Nazi Officer declared before burning Freud's books in 1933 in an outdoor rally, Against the soul-destroying glorification of the instinctual life, for the nobility of the human soul!


Next above these come the Nobility, of whom there are several degrees, beginning at Six-Sided Figures, or Hexagons, and from thence rising in the number of their sides till they receive the honourable title of Polygonal, or many-sided.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.

数百年来,太平洋岛国斐济和汤加贸易往来密切,而且血脉 ssbbww.cOm ——当年汤加的王子们乘坐小木船一路向西,前往斐济淘金,而斐济女人也嫁给了这些汤加贵族。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
