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moment of dipole相关的网络例句

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与 moment of dipole 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Expressions of the electric dipole, the magnetic dipole and the traveling-wave moment are obtained in the expansion, respectively.


In this work,we attempt to estimate the dipole moment of finite cubic arrays of particles,in terms of that of particle chains which has been known.


Meanwhile, the isomer with a larger change of dipole moment has larger value of the first hyperpolarizability during the charge-transfer process.

5, 6, 7顶点双取代碳硼烷桥连分子受推拉电子基的影响,5, 6, 7顶点碳硼烷的构型发生一定变化,碳硼烷中两个C原子间的距离变长;同时碳硼烷中两个C原子取代位置的不同,影响了分子的稳定性和极化率,取代基团与碳硼烷中成键数较低的C原子相连的异构体,稳定性较好且具有大的极化率; 5,6,7顶点双取代碳硼烷桥连分子形成一维结构有利于分子内电荷转移,在电荷转移过程中偶极矩变化较大的体系,其二阶NLO系数也较大。

Following the analysis, a new calculation model is developed, which takes the effect of the induced dipole moment of one atom on the polarizability into consideration, and the mathematical expressions are deduced in the cases of macro electric field parallel and perpendicular to the molecular axis, and at a random angle with the axis.


Therefore the spontaneous emission of atoms is caused by the fluctuation of dipole moment that arises from vacuum fluctation. Jaynes Cummings model is an important system to produce quatum entangled state.


M. translational distribution, angular distribution, and the branching ratios for different possible product channels by measuring the angle-resolved time of flight spectra of photofragments. Information about photodissociation processes such as dissociative lifetime of parent molecule, the orientation of transition dipole moment, and the symmetry change of the highly excited states can be deduced from the translational energy distribution and angular distribution.

碎片平动能谱方法是在无碰撞条件下研究光解动力学的一种理想方法,它通过测量光致碎片在不同角度的时间飞渡谱(Time of Flight,简称TOF),可以得到光解碎片质心系的平动能分布、角分布和不同解离通道之间的分支比等,由此可以推知母分子的解离寿命、跃迁偶极距的取向以及激发态分子的对称性变化等过渡态的动力学信息。

Photofragment translational spectroscopy is an ideal tool to investigate photodissociation dynamics under collision-free conditions through which one can obtain the total center of mass translational distribution, angular distribution, and the branching ratios for different possible product channels by measuring the angle-resolved time of flight spectra of photofragments. Information about photodissociation processes such as dissociative lifetime of parent molecule, the orientation of transition dipole moment, and the symmetry change of the highly excited states can be deduced from the translational energy distribution and angular distribution.

碎片平动能谱方法是在无碰撞条件下研究光解动力学的一种理想方法,它通过测量光致碎片在不同角度的时间飞渡谱(Time of Flight,简称TOF),可以得到光解碎片质心系的平动能分布、角分布和不同解离通道之间的分支比等,由此可以推知母分子的解离寿命、跃迁偶极距的取向以及激发态分子的对称性变化等过渡态的动力学信息。

Dialkylamine, which is an e-donor, was introduced at the C(4') or C(7) positions in 3HF resulting in similar ESICT/ESIPT dual emission. Even the net dipole moment, the orientation of which is affected by the CT effect, is expected different. Dialkylamine attached at both C(4') and C(7) positions in 3HF, of which the net dipole moment may be associated with the interplay between two charge-transfer systems, displayed different photo behaviors.

在3-hydroxyflavone的4'及7号位置分别修饰担任电子与体的二烷基胺类,在光谱上会观察到两种不同萤光波长,分别属於ESICT和ESIPT,但若同时修饰二烷基胺类,在不同极性溶剂下,会只有一个 ESIPT 的萤光。

I A is more stable than B, and the two equivalent tautomers of 9-HPO can tautomerize through IHT. B is the transition state for IHT of 9-HPO. ii B was in a symmetrical plane. The charge of hydrogen and molecular dipole moment of B are higher than that of A, so the IHT rate will be accelerated in polar solvents.

另一方面IHT也使此类分子表现出某些优异的物理化学特性,比如:具有IHT的羟基艺北醌类化合物可以用作光疗药物,用于治疗肿瘤、爱滋病等顽症,还有望成为光电转换的新材料[2 ] 。

Effect of chemical properties of naphthalene derivatives on adsorption was discussed, and it was concluded that naphthylamines with small dipole moment were ready to be adsorbed on nonpolar XAD-2 and XAD-4, while naphthols with high dipole moment were more likely adsorbed on XAD-7 and XAD-8 with medium polarity.


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