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与 mise 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be seen as the symbol of regressus ad infinitum or mise-en-abyme, which is typical of postmodern fiction.


The film director, or auteur , differs significantly from the stage director in the handling of these elements and of the mise en scène.


While both Mikimoto and Mise are credited with furthering the cultured pearl industry in Japan and Asia it is Mikimoto who is given most of the credit.


The universality of the French classicism leaves much room for contemporary mise-en-sc?ne and le jeu of the actors.


Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-A for HEN : mise en ligne avant minuit ...


Sometimes i don't think i can carry on, with my MISE study, with my work here.


In September, 2008, I went to Denmark for the first module training of MISE program and met all MISE trainees from all over the world.


You have been selected for the MISE program and the assessments predict that you can make this transition and come out stronger on the other side.


To complete the whole process, the play, which is created out of the process of "mise-en-sens," needs to be aided by the stagecraft of "mise-en-sc ne" to be manifested on the stage.


Marc Grossriether is owner of Mise au Verre stained glass workshop in France,The jewelries he designed for Fei Boutique is another try in this field. It is amazing that the ordinary glass, after being painted, can be turned into something so colorful and intriguing.

在法国拥有 Mise au Verre 彩画玻璃作坊的 Marc Grossriether ,为扉卖品特别设计的玻璃饰品,是他对这项工艺的表达方式的一种尝试,不起眼的玻璃材料经过变性绘制,也可是如此多彩,如此调皮有趣。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
