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与 microbiology 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SETTING: The department of immunology and microbiology of a medical college.


This is the website of the Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Yang, BS in Microbiology (1982), Xiamen University; PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (1994), University of Houston, Texas; 1982 -1988, Assistant Engineer, Guangzhou Institute of Microbiology; 1996-1998; NIH Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Research Scientist (1994-1998), Department of Biochemistry/Ophthalmology, Columbia University, New York; 1998-2005, Research Assistant Professor/Research Officer , Institute of Molecular Biology/Department of Physiology, The University of Hong Kong; 2006 – present, Professor, Xiamen University.

厦门大学微生物学学士(1982);美国德州休士顿大学生化博士(1994); 1982 -1988,广州市微生物研究所,助理工程师; 1994-1998,美国哥伦比亚大学,美国NIH博士后/副研究员; 1998-2005,香港大学分子生物研究所/生理系,研究助理教授/研究员; 2006–现今,厦门大学生命科学学院,教授/博士生导师,兼厦门大学实验动物中心主任、福建省实验动物学会常务理事

NS had higher respiratory quotient at 10~20cm, thus younger microbiology, and CN had younger microbiology at 0~10cm. This was good to sustain soil qualified characters and sustainable potentiality. This showed that mechanic tillage and biological tillage were of the same importance in some degree. It was important for reducing energy cost to enhance the effect of microbiology in soil nutrtient transferring.


It is published biannually and includes original research papers covering all aspects of medical microbiology – bacteriology, viriology, rickettsiology, mycology, mycobacteriology, and actinomyceles, arasitology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, immunology in clinical practice, general clinical microbiology, and clinical veterinary mcrobiology.


Xiaoyu Zhang is a professor of microbiology in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and serving as Director of microbiological institute of environment and resource in college of science and technology of HUST, Academic leader of microbe biology and biotechnology, Deputy Director of field on industrial microbiology in mycological society of China and standing director of microbiological society of Hubei Province.


The purpose of this course is to study the microbiological science and to give students the basic knowledge further study of phytopathogenic microbiology. Course contents include the original of microbiology, chemical principles, microscopy and staining, morphology、structure and function of prokaryotic


Society for General Microbiology - Viruses found in the River Cam in Cambridge, famous as a haunt of students in their punts on long, lazy summer days, could become the next generation of antibiotics, according to scientists speaking Monday, September 3, 2007 at the Society for General Microbiology's 161st Meeting at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

社会一般微生物-病毒发现在河凸轮剑桥,著名作为困扰的学生在矿山长,懒惰夏季天,有可能成为下一代的抗生素,据科学家周一说, 2 007年9月3日在社会一般微生物的第161次会议在英国爱丁堡大学。

Department of Ecology and Biodiversity is primarily dedicated to education and research in ecology and biodiversity including conservation biology, coral ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental microbiology, fungal biodiversity, mangrove ecology, microbiology, molecular ecology and evolution, molecular microbial ecology, molecular phylogenetics, plant pathology, plant systematics and evolution, plant-animal interactions, pollution biology, terrestrial ecology.


The researches cover systemic microbiology, microgenetics, applied microbiology, cells biology of virus infection and cryobiology.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
