英语人>网络例句>mace 相关的网络例句
与 mace 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mace Windu's efforts on Dantooine and Kit Fisto's familiarity with Ord Cestus are two minor nods to the expanded universe -- namely, the first Clone Wars micro-series where Mace fights a droid army on the plains of Dantooine, and The Cestus Deception novel featuring Fisto.


Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, of the Metropolitan police flying squad, said: This was a well planned robbery with a number of vehicles used to help the robbers escape.

来自警视厅飞行队得侦缉总督察 Pam Mace说:这是一起精心策划的抢劫案,安排了数辆汽车帮助劫匪逃跑。

Mace 11, he's on you!

Mace 11,他正盯上你了!

This is Mace 10, that's a kill.

这里是Mace 10,打下一架。

Varying definitions of composite end points, such as MACE, can lead to substantially different results and conclusions.


This inconsistency calls into question whether use of MACE in cardiology research is of value.


Then, when I went to Snowbird that summer with Seaver Leslie and there were a lot of RISD people who came out with me, Flora Mace was one of my students.

后来,当我和 Seaver Leslie 夏天去 Snowbird 时,有很多罗德岛设计学院的学生追随, Flora Mace 是其中一个学生。

American soldiers held on to boxes and shielded themselves from the prop wash as a helicopter landed at Observation Post Mace in eastern Afghanistan's remote Nuristan Province.

阿富汗, Nuristan省:当一架直升飞机降落在Mace观察哨时,美国士兵们紧紧抓住箱子保护他们不被吹走。

Mace 11, he's on you!

Mace 11,他冲你去了!

Mace 11, he's on you!

Mace 11,他瞄准你了!

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Mace Spray
Incessant Mace

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
