英语人>网络例句>keen 相关的网络例句
与 keen 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bibot had a keen sense of humour, and it was well worth hanging round that West Barricade, in order to see him catch an aristo in the very act of trying to flee from the vengeance of the people.


At beginning of marketable economy, family enterprises have some ascendance among keen competition, though there exists some weakness that is hindering the enterprises.


Mr. Jiachen Han has seized the opportunity to exploit the market with the keen intuition of a businessman, and he understands how to comprehend and maintain even innovate the connotation of Din Tai Fung to have succeeded in carrying out his asseveration:"to make the signboard of Din Tai Fung more popular."


Some of our members are keen on astrophotography, polishing mirror and making telescopes.


They are very keen on him and I know that they have even negotiated a fee with Atalanta.


But I'm not keen on opening any e-mail attachments you send my way.


All of them strictly functional matters that we were keen to pack into an attractively sporty shape.


"Jamie Christopher, the first , was always really keen to do that as the final scene, because it's such a poignant moment for the franchise, that fact that it's 19 years on, and we get to see what happened to the characters," said Felton, who plays blond baddie Draco Malfoy.

首席导演助理Jamie Christopher一直渴盼能够拍摄这一剧终场景,因为那宽恕的一刻是如此感人,实际上,我们能从中推测出这19年来主角们身上都发生了什么。

The client was keen to expand the business relationship with Barbour Brown and wanted them to handle all the structural design work for the new company.


I don't think the manager is very keen on the idea of setting up a bargain counter.


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Razor Keen
Keen On Disco
Roy's Keen

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
