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与 jelly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Man: I hope this Jelly Roll Morton guy is as good as they say.

我希望 Jelly Roll Morton 有他们说得那么好。

Accepted ancestor of jazz Jelly Roll Morto challenge and eventually beat him, so 1900 has become famous for, but he still refused to disembark on the stubborn land, because of 1900, the people of the world aspire to live too far away.

接受了爵士乐的始祖Jelly Roll Morto的挑战并最终战胜了他,让1900名声大噪,但他仍然执拗的不肯下船登上陆地,因为对1900而言,世人向往的生活太过遥远。

Even better than playing the ancestor of jazz Jelly Roll Morto, so that 1900 has become famous, music publishers hope for him a recording, and that he would be fame and fortune, his heart remained calm, satisfied with life and brought his music Happy.

即使弹琴胜过爵士乐的始祖Jelly Roll Morto,让1900名声大噪,唱片出版商希望为他录制唱片,并保证他会名利双收,他的内心依然平静,安于生活和音乐带给他的快乐。

Movies most people will undoubtedly commendable movie clips are 1900 and Jelly Roll Morto Doo Guoqin part, especially the 1900 final concert of a "Perpetual Motion", this song all the black keys are playing the piano, and also is entirely chromatic playing, required very high skills in order to play the piano.

电影中最为人称道的电影片段无疑是1900和Jelly Roll Morto斗琴的一部分,尤其是1900最后演奏的一首"无穷动",这首曲子全部是钢琴黑键弹奏的,也就是全是半音演奏,需要极高的钢琴技巧才能弹奏。

The part when 1900 was challenged by Jelly Roll Morto is the best of the film is agreed without quarrel. The climax is when 1900 played his last piece: enduring movement, a piece which is played solely on the black keys,(in other words half-notes), and require the best of skills in piano playing.

电影中最为人称道的电影片段无疑是1900和Jelly Roll Morto斗琴的一部分,尤其是1900最后演奏的一首"无穷动",这首曲子全部是钢琴黑键弹奏的,也就是全是半音演奏,需要极高的钢琴技巧才能弹奏。

Despite the historical trappings,"The Legend of 1900" is by no means a true historical account of actual events (other than Jelly Roll Morton, who was a real person).

忽略影片中那些富有历史气息的标志,《1900传奇》所呈现的绝非真实的人事(除了Jelly Roll Morton之外)。

Finally, Clarence Williams III does a memorable turn as Jazz great Jelly Roll Morton in the film's highlight sequence where the two musicians square off against one another to find out who is the best.

值得一提的是Clarence WilliamsⅢ在影片中化身为爵士乐的教父Jelly Roll Morton,与主人公1900展开了一场音乐对决,使影片增色不少。

After 1hr, prepare the jelly top by mixing the blackcurrant jelly powder and gelatine powder with 150 hot water.

另备一只碗将黑加仑子jelly powder and 1 茶匙鱼胶粉mixed,再加入150毫升水隔水煮溶,待凉,拌入蓝梅。

After 1hr, prepare the jelly top by mixing the blackcurrant jelly powder and gelatine powder with 150 hot water.

另備一隻碗將黑加侖子jelly powder and 1 茶匙魚膠粉mixed,再加入150毫升水隔水煮溶,待涼,拌入藍梅。

So I chose t to put the jelly beans in there.

选来选去,只好放jelly beans水果糖,我想,jelly bean水果糖应该比较健康一点吧!

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Jelly, Jelly
Jelly Bean Colored Suits
Guava Jelly
Jelly Roll
Peanut Butter & Jelly
She Don't Use Jelly
Bring It Down To Jelly Roll
Jelly Roll Gum Drop

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
