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与 invest 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fujian Fuzhou SanBang chemical Industry Co., Ltd have developed and produced the invest casting S-GRJ-1430 and S-GRJ-830 colloidal silicon and exothermic padding with feedex for special purpose,and also produced the series colloidal silicon for fire resistant material,paint,food,battery and iron,and it concurrently manages many kinds of invest casting materials of antifoam agent,wetting agent,fused quarez powder and stone,mulgrain flour,mulgrain sand and slag catcher.


Invest World staff will count proper posts with point information only.

Invest world 的员工会统计你的合适的发帖和点数。

I have really outlined what I would do it I were just starting out in this post (http://www.thedividendguyblog.com/how-would-i-invest-if-i-were-just-starting-out/).


More over, I repeat again this is not invest for me, 9th team, this is your invest for yourselves, your benefit is due to the amount of your invest, we draw each benefit based on the same standard, do not apprecaite me if you get succuss from your investment, because I get my share of success as well, we, this team success.


To this end, the Natural Capital Project, a group based at Stanford University, California, has developed a suite of computer programs called InVEST, which will analyse and map ecosystem services. InVEST allows farmers, landowners and government officials to make better-informed decisions about the current and future costs of an activity.

为了根本上解决成本核算的问题,加利福尼亚斯坦福大学的一个名叫Natural Capital Project的组织设计了一个名叫InVEST电脑程序,这个程序可以跟踪分析生态系统,通过分析一项活动的现实成本跟未来成本,使农民、地主、政府官员可以做出更加理性的决策。

Special industrial invest ment fund may be set up to buffer insufficient equity capital from the Chinese side when increasing invest ment in an invest ed enterprise


DBM Fonds Invest is still hopeful the Berlin wheel will move forward after cutting costs and appointing a new construction company in the coming weeks.

DBM Fonds Invest依然心怀希望,认为在缩减成本并在未来几周委任一家新的建筑公司后,柏林的摩天轮项目还能向前推进。

DBM Fonds Invest created the fund in 2006 to help finance big wheel projects in Beijing, Berlin and Orlando, Florida but none has yet been completed.

DBM Fonds Invest于2006年创建这只基金,为北京、柏林、美国佛罗里达奥兰多的大型摩天轮项目提供部分融资。

In a letter obtained by the Financial Times, DBM Fonds Invest warned investors that in the worse case scenario they faced a "complete writedown" of their 80m investment in the Beijing holding company.

在英国《金融时报》看到的一封信件中,DBM Fonds Invest警告投资者,可能出现的最糟的情况是,他们对北京项目控股公司的8000万欧元投资将面临&全额减记&。

DBM Fonds Invest seized on a demand for "experience" investments: tangible high-yield financial products that have a "story" to tell and to sell.

DBM Fonds Invest成立Global View基金时,希望搭上投资者对&经验型&投资需求大涨的顺风车。这类金融投资品种通常基于实体、收益率高、并且有诱人的&盈利故事&可以讲给投资者听。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
