查询词典 indebted
- 与 indebted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
I'm greatly indebted to my abecedarian.
At least I feel I am now indebted to life, to this accidental and beautiful existence.
After school graduation, because wants to make money depending on own strength and to increase the social experience, therefore finds out the outwork to do as a result of your firm innovation enterprise culture and the management idea, is quite capable accommodatingly with individual idea, if is indebted your firm to recognize, enters a your firm already strength, I will also exhaust ability for the company create the sharp result.
Be semmetry of interest rate structure principle and principle of quantitative structure semmetry introduce capital fund indebted combination is optimized in, controlled a bank to run medium liquidity risk and interest rate risk, protect the security of bank shareholder rights and interests, the lawful sex that assured bank assets admeasure and add up to compasses sex.
I use it to refer to a way of thinking that is indebted to the philosophy of a man named Alfred North Whitehead.
We are indebted for your address to the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Algerian Embassy in Beijing.
I am deeply indebted to you for your assistance.
He was deeply indebted to Augustine for his views.
Be indebted to someone for something; be bound to someone for something
For permission to incorporate part of this paper I am indebted to Professor Karl Pearson, editor of "Biometrika" Vol.
- 推荐网络例句
May Fod bless us all.
I want to be rest assured that you maintain an impeccable status because I do not want any troubles afterwards.
Ceng Xuan says " I am leader Yahoo optimal person selected " Yang Zhiyuan, one year much lieutenancy is full of twist.