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与 in twice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Variation laws of electron movement with emergence angle and microwave electromagnetic parameters are also derived. The emergence angle of electron has significant effect on the movement of electron, and there is an emergence angle in which the electron has the maximum trajectory length and impact energy, Impact energy will increase and return time will reduce as increasing the amplitude of electric field, and both parameter would oscillate with the phase of electric field, which can essentially explain that multipactoring electron number oscillates in twice the frequency with the increase of microwave frequency, electron trajectory will change from parabolic-like movement to complex oscillation.


The entrepreneur that because numerous capital is abundant,arrives first year after year today by October is right classic furniture collects the annatto such as rosewood of Hainan chrysanthemum pear, Vietnam chrysanthemum pear, flocculus of the market intervene, large quantities of capital are entered also make annatto raw material rises in price flying, the growth that annatto market is in twice all the time period.


With two people intimately familiar with a module, far fewer defects will be written into the code. The code will have a better structure and intimate knowledge of it will be in twice as many brains.


The box office jury is still out on "Charlie Wilson," a high-profile vehicle starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, which is playing in twice as many theaters as "Sweeney Todd," which DreamWorks co-produced with Warner Bros.

由大牌明星汤姆汉克斯和茱莉亚罗伯茨主演的影片"Charlie Wilson"的表现还有待观望。这部电影所上映的电影院数目是梦工厂和华纳公司联合制作影片"Sweeney Todd"的一倍。

We also watched the seaplane come in twice a day and the odd boats coming in and out.


The membership grade of subdivisional project is gotten in response to its score. At last, the bridge engineering quality is evaluated by using the mathematical model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in twice, and the finally evaluated result is gotten.


They also took half an hour to drop off — twice as long as usual — and jigged around in twice as much..


As the rapid development of archaeology career, the amount that archaeology reports is growing in twice, the material that disentombs recently not only gets be announcinged in time, the material that one's early years disentombs also is arranged published.

梗概: 随着考古事业的迅速发展,考古报告的数量正在成倍增长,不仅新近发掘的材料得到及时公布,早年发掘的材料也整理出版了。

Known for their goal of never making the same record twice, it's no surprise that You Are Here is an obvious departure from the more electronica oriented Adventures in the Underground Journey to the Stars (2006), lending itself instead to more carefully orchestrated ballads. The album, most of which was self produced, opens with "Wasted," a track that boasts an airy vocal melody reminiscent of Sergeant Pepper's era Beatles anchored by a bass-heavy piano line.

就像他们对自己的要求那样,同样的花样他们不会晚上两次,所以今天带来的这张 You Are Here 跟06年那张以电子元素为主导的&Adventures in the Underground Journey to the Stars&有着相当明显的差异,与之相比,这张新砖更注重精心的配乐模式,这张大多数是乐队亲自担当制作的专辑的开场曲,&Wasted&,空远的人声旋律让人会想起了&佩伯军士时代&的 Beatles,而他们依靠的仅仅是Bass与重音钢琴的组合。

Solid hardwood floors will require 4-5 refinishings and carpets and vinyls will need to be replaced at least twice, while laminates don't require anything.In conclusion, kids playing with their toys on the floor, the dog running through with dirty paws, friends walking with wet shoes on it, or baby bottle spills all over it won't be a problem with laminate flooring.


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Twice In A Lifetime

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
