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与 history 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result was as much a history (in the modern meaning of the word) as a theory, in that Burnet transformed the hypothetical cosmogony and geogony of René Descartes into a sequence of irreversible events, documented by both nature and Scripture.

伯内特把笛卡尔假设的宇宙形成理论和地球形成理论转换成了既由自然界又由圣经记录的一系列不可逆事件,这样,结合的结果既是一种理论,又同样多地是一种历史(" history "的现代意义)。

This was ond of the most important evens in modern American history.


Not determined by their distal causal history, i.e. that content externalism is wrong. We cannot

States的表象内容通过它们的distal causal history所规定/决定,即内容外在论是错误的。

During the 1990s Francis Fukuyama's The End of History and the Last Man was required reading.

在上世纪90年代,弗朗西斯福山所著的《历史的终点和最后的人》(The End of History and the Last Man)一书是必读之作。

Masterpiece, manhandle, manhole is not generally accepted, and extreme forms such as herstory for history have little place outside specifically feminist writing.

一般而言,人们不能接受把这一趋势扩展到词源上与性别联系甚微的词语上去(如masterpiece、manhandle和manhole),而用herstory替代history 这种极端做法在特定的女权主义写作之外无一席之地。

Masterpiece, manhandle, manhole is not generally accepted, and ex-treme forms such as herstory for history have little place outside specifically feminist writing.

一般而言,人们不能接受把这一趋势扩展到词源上与性别联系甚微的词语上去(如masterpiece、manhandle和manhole),而用herstory替代history 这种极端做法在特定的女权主义写作之外无一席之地。

Taking into account the large number of information contained in authoritative journal about the History of Science, while avoiding the unreliability of results concluded by a single journal, through analyzing the contents metrically from 1993 to 2005 in three most authoritative journals on History of Science (ISIS, History of Science , British Journal for the History of Science), the paper displayed detailedly the microcosmic orbits of History of Science, revealed the hot points and hold the trends from the macrocosm and provided evidence and theoretical support for Historiography of Science. This will undoubtedly have an important academic value and theoretical significance.This article has three parts.

考虑到权威期刊所蕴涵的大量的科学史信息,同时避免单一期刊研究结论的不可靠性,本文选取国际上最权威的三份科学史综合期刊《爱西斯》、《科学史》、《英国科学史杂志》(British Journal for the History of Science),对1993-2005年的内容进行计量分析,详细地展示这十多年来科学史研究的微观发展过程,并在三者计量结果进行相互比较印证的基础上,揭示科学史研究热点及发展脉络,从宏观上把握科学史研究的学术走向,对科学史研究重点的调整提供证明与借鉴,并为科学编史学的研究提供理论支持。

He had long been billing himself as the King of Pop, and the cover of "HIStory" shows him as a giant statue, the kind that gets toppled when tin-pot dictators are overthrown.


Jonathan wild, the Great, the history of Tom Jones, a foundling, and Amelia, the author tries to analyze and appreciate the theory and the artistic form of Henry fieldings novels, expecting a deeper insight of his theory and a better understanding of his works.

本文采用文本细读法,试从亨利·菲尔丁的《约瑟夫·安德鲁传》(The history of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,1742)、《大伟人江奈生·魏尔德传》(The life of Mr·Jonathan wild,the Great,1743)、《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》(The history of Tom Jones,a foundling,1749)、和《阿米莉娅》(Amelia,1751)这四部作品入手,对菲尔丁的小说理论和小说艺术进行分析和评价,以期更深入地了解菲尔丁小说理论和更好地把握他的小说。

Thus in encouraging the sustenance of slave architecture and history,slave descendants are regularly made painfully and violently aware of their history of victimisation,are expected to accept it as'their'history and to encounter it'cold'.

Thus鼓励维持奴隶建筑和历史,奴隶后裔经常作出痛苦和意识到自己的暴力史受害,预计将接受它 as'their'history和遇到it'cold '。

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Crackpot History And Te Right To Lie
Making History
The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History
The History Of A Cheating Heart
Make History
Astronaut: A Short History Of Nearly Nothing
Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
Falling Into History

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
