英语人>网络例句>graupel 相关的网络例句

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与 graupel 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sometimes the snow was not snow, but miliary size of snow graupel.


The washout of precipitation is effective, 64% of total sulfate is scavenged by precipitation, in which 57% by graupel, it shows the importance of ice phase process in acid deposition.


Besides the variables of Reisner scheme, they all produce the number contents of rain, snow and graupel, which are also reasonable with observations.


The melting of graupel and graupel collect cloud water in the warm region weaken so that there is less rain water to appear.


The model results show that the hail embryos are mainly graupel particles.Solid phase precipitation accounts for 46% of ground precipitation amount and graupel-fall is 65% of solid phase precipitation.Graupel particles grow by accretion with rainwater and cloud water.Accumulation zone of supercooled water...


Snow grows by collecting supercooled water, and rain water is converted into graupel by collection of snow, and graupel melting is the main source of rain water.


In the initial stage, there is little ice particles, and the rain water form mainly through the collection of cloud water and auto-conversion process. In the growing and mature stage, both the cold and warm rain processes are important. The collections of rain water and graupel with cloud water and the melting of graupel are very important to the rain water. Graupel grows mainly through riming cloud water and colleting snow.


These cause the number concentration of graupel become larger and the mean diameter of graupel become small, which decrease the falling speed of graupel and can not fall down to the warm region to melt. This is one of the main reasons of decreasing rain.


At the same time ice crystal and graupel collect more supercooled rain water to reduce the amount of rain water. Graupel grows through the collection of ice crystal and graupel with supercooled rain water and riming of cloud water.


Terrain heightened can enhance blocking effect, which lead to strengthen water vapor flux divergence and vertical convection, and cloud water increases but centralizes in the middle-low level. This change intensify accretion of snow by collecting more supercooled cloud water, and rain water converts into graupel by collecting more snow, and dry growth of graupel increase at the same time. Rain water augment because of more graupel melting, and rain water continue to increase by collecting cloud water in the low level.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


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