英语人>网络例句>goal 相关的网络例句
与 goal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on goal-scenario coupling and conception attribute, this paper presents a structured method of goal description and identification,constructs goal model, describes and identifies goals. Integrated with the goal-driven software architecture modeling method smoothly, the methodimproves the development quality and production efficiency of information system.

摘 要:基于Goal-scenario coupling 理念,提出了一种基于概念属性的结构化目标描述与识别方法,构造了目标模型,对目标进行了描述和识别,该方法可以与目标驱动的软件体系结构建模方法进行平滑集成,提高了信息系统的开发质量和生产效率。

Aimed to two major problems: one is not decidable and the other is no clear semantics. We construct a framework with explicit representation and formal semantics of goalsgoal description logics, which integrates two types of goals: declarative goals and procedural goals into one concept based on description logics. In addition, the goal plan is defined and analyzed, and some reasoning problems, such as goal consistency and goal satisfiability, are discussed. Contrary to traditional ways of goal description, GDLs can bridge the gap between theory and practice in a natural way.

针对传统的目标描述中存在的不可判定性以及没有清晰的语义等问题,在描述逻辑(description logics,DLs)上,将宣称型和过程型2种类型的目标描述有机地整合在一起,从而构建了具有清晰语义与可判定性的形式化框架--目标描述逻辑(goal description logics, GDLs),在此基础上,定义了该框架下有关规划规则;建立了可用于判定目标一致性、目标可满足性的方法,与传统的目标描述方法相比,目标描述逻辑为主体领域模型提供了一种更有力的形式化工具,同时为智能主体的模型和设计提供了很好的理论工具。

The university hopes to use the related system, set up the post goal , standardize the role expectation, so as to stimulate the teacher's needs, excite motive of teacher and lead behavior of teacher, make their give play to inherent potentiality, integrate the whole goal of the school into teacher's personal goal, and work hard for reaching the goal .


Goals are proportion in the first half and the second half. Goals flood tide appear in the first 15 minutes of first half and second half, and the amount of goal reduce more and more as the time goes by during the other period of time. The main districts of goal are 1 section and 2 section. Besides, the big forbidden zone spread to 30M line section also become the main district of goal. The most important means of offense is tactics of placement, the ball past from side to the middle and offense of middle pass are also the important means of goals. Most of the goals are done by vanguard player, the aggressive plug into of vanguard has become the important means of goal in each team.


The writter points out the teaching goal of P E is the same as talent cultivating goal.Teaching goal of P E is a complex system including much relevance contends and different teaching goal has its different character.


It was testified that 4 achievement goals labeled mastery approach goal, mastery avoidance goal, performance approach goal and performance avoidance goal did exist during the middle school age , and such achievement goals structure is better than its dichotomy and trichotomy structure.


To in boat letter this kinds of situation, not divide stage course project and for setting up on the each period of stage there aren't thought , stage of control goal, this text has proposed the control goal model of the quality of stage of course of development based on milestone innovativly, model this divide course that information system develop into feasibility analyse , encode , integrate , is it wait for 9 stages to test, and has confirmed the control goal of quality for each stage , has set up two milestones of quality control , navigate letter course stage that information system develop row , is it have achievement may be examined each period of stage to make, a quality goal is controlled , avoid developing the transparency of course and quality control defect not high of visuality like this.


The Gardner thinks the foreign language learning motive should include four aspects:The purpose a goal, the diligent degree effortful behaviors of the study, attains the wishes a desire to attain the goal of study the purpose, with the study attitude attitude.

Gardner认为,外语学习动机应包括四个方面:目的a goal,学习的努力程度effortful behaviors,达到学习目的的愿望a desire to attain the goal,和学习态度attitude。

Reform the goal with development to orient according to the social security system,social security fund is it should is it give consideration to social goal,economic goal,political goal to insist on to raise for,give consideration to the long—term goal and short—term goal, realiz.e combining fairly with efficiency;The social security fund must divide the responsibility border among government,unit,individual to raise rationally,define that govemment and function of the market divide the work;Social security fund is it must pay attention to macroscopical system way choose,is it pay attention to micro technical design and application of field to want too atthe same time to raise for;Social security fund is it should take different raising the way for,raising the way for to different social security project to raise for;Social security fund is it should distinguish regular financial need raising waying,principling of raising the way for etc.different from provisional financial need to raise for.


Decision? 0 goal 0 no goal, retake 0 no goal, goal-kick 2 Indirect free-kick awarded to the attacking team 20 y in front of the opponents goal.

决定? 00无目标的目标,夺回0无目标,目标2踢间接自由球奖20个队的进攻面前Y的对手目标。

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One Goal
That's My Goal
Give Us A Goal

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
