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goal description相关的网络例句

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与 goal description 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

English Description The goal of this course is that the students will learn SiP prototyping design and Applications.

Chinese Description 本课程的目标在於使学生学习完整的系统级封装之雏型设计。

English Description The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of modern investment theory and its application to investment management.

Chinese Description 本课程目的在於帮助学生了解现代的投资理论与其对投资管理的应用。

English Description The goal of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and techniques used in the field of digital image processing.

Chinese Description 本课程介绍在数位影像处理领域中会使用到的基本观念与技术。

English Description The goal of this course for students is to learn the multimedia IC design of mobile device.

Chinese Description 课程之目的在於让学生能够学习到手持式装置多媒体晶片设计,以培养学生具备手持式装置多媒体晶片设计之能力。

English Description The major goal of the course, Cell Biology, is to reinforce the understanding of architectures, biological activities and molecular interactions in a living cell.

Chinese Description 本课程主要目标为加强同学对细胞构造,生物活性以及分子间交互作用的认识。

English Description The goal of this course is that the students will learn a system design and verification methodology under a provided system protoyping platform. First, the system partitioning techniques will be applied from given a system specification. Then, system hardware and software design method base on FPGA systems will be implemented and studies,respectively. Finally, System functional verification techniques will be discussed.

Chinese Description 本课程的目标在於使学生学习利用FPGA系统来完成一个系之设计与验证的方法,同时在系设计过程了解如何从系统规格之下做软硬体的分割,进而学习系统之软体及硬体之设计技术,系统设计的功能之正确性的验证方法也将在本课程中探考。

English Description Teaching goal: Analyze the significant problems and phenomena concerning politics, economy, society and culture, and give a brief account of such phenomena with a view to facilitating students' understanding of the status quo and encouraging students to devote care to their living environment.

Chinese Description 教学目标:针对当前社会中之政治、经济、社会、文化等各层面所形成之重大问题与现象加以探讨,予以概略整合性之介绍,以使学生对社会现况更加了解并进而关怀所生活之环境。

English Description Goal for the Course : Base on the professional knowledge, the disciples learn to enhance the depth and width of ascertainment and practice in both substantial and non-substantial environments.

Chinese Description 总课程目标:在学员原有专业基础上,增加其深度与广度,包含自实质与非实质环境之探讨与实践等之能力。

Based on goal-scenario coupling and conception attribute, this paper presents a structured method of goal description and identification,constructs goal model, describes and identifies goals. Integrated with the goal-driven software architecture modeling method smoothly, the methodimproves the development quality and production efficiency of information system.

摘 要:基于Goal-scenario coupling 理念,提出了一种基于概念属性的结构化目标描述与识别方法,构造了目标模型,对目标进行了描述和识别,该方法可以与目标驱动的软件体系结构建模方法进行平滑集成,提高了信息系统的开发质量和生产效率。

Aimed to two major problems: one is not decidable and the other is no clear semantics. We construct a framework with explicit representation and formal semantics of goalsgoal description logics, which integrates two types of goals: declarative goals and procedural goals into one concept based on description logics. In addition, the goal plan is defined and analyzed, and some reasoning problems, such as goal consistency and goal satisfiability, are discussed. Contrary to traditional ways of goal description, GDLs can bridge the gap between theory and practice in a natural way.

针对传统的目标描述中存在的不可判定性以及没有清晰的语义等问题,在描述逻辑(description logics,DLs)上,将宣称型和过程型2种类型的目标描述有机地整合在一起,从而构建了具有清晰语义与可判定性的形式化框架--目标描述逻辑(goal description logics, GDLs),在此基础上,定义了该框架下有关规划规则;建立了可用于判定目标一致性、目标可满足性的方法,与传统的目标描述方法相比,目标描述逻辑为主体领域模型提供了一种更有力的形式化工具,同时为智能主体的模型和设计提供了很好的理论工具。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
