英语人>网络例句>glub 相关的网络例句
与 glub 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This spot is good enough for me , glub blub .


When the deduced amino acid sequence of the new gene was compared with those of other glutelin genes, they showed about 80%, 70% and 60% between the new gene and GluB-4, GluB-1 or GluB-2, GluA, respectively, suggesting that the new glutelin gene belonged to the subfamily, GluB.


Second, low glutelin content was regulated at the level of transcription, but the suppressed glutelin genes were not among those published.


The results of indoor test and field application showed that the Glub has great lubricating capacity,can well distributed in drilling fluid,forms strong and thick oil film.


Oops, I'm sinking, glub, glub! Baby Square felt himself sinking in the water, them he felt himself being lifted in the air.

噢,我在下沉,glub, glub小正方形感觉自己好象沉入了大海里,然后又被举起到空中。

Rice glutelins are coded by a small multigene family consisting of two subfamily, GluA and GluB.


Software Description: About Glub Tech Secure FTP, Secure FTP is a client application that allows for a 128-bit encrypted secure connection to be madeto a server that supports FTP over SSL.

Glub Tech Secure FTP Secure FTP是一款允许创建一个128位加密安全连接到一台在SSL上支持FTP的客户端应用软件。

Speculating on the figure of two dimensional electrophoresis of rice glutelins there are at least 13 glutelin genes, only six of which, GluA-1, GluA-2, GluA-3, GluB-1, GluB-2 and a cDNA clone,λ RG21 cDNA, have been sequenced.

从水稻谷蛋白的2-D电泳可推测,编码水稻谷蛋白的基因至少有13个,目前尚只有6个水稻谷蛋白基因被分离测序,它们分别是GluA-1,GluA-2,GluA-3,GluB-1,GluB-2和一cDNA克隆(λRG21 cDNA),而且,这些基因都是通过实验筛选大量的水稻基因组文库或cDNA文库获得的,其过程成本高,工作量大,实验周期长。


If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
