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与 garden 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, some of the information is dated. While Slack's books are recommended reading, check on current cultivation tips as well. Peter D'Amato's "The Savage Garden" in mandatory reading.

而While Slack's books是一本值得推荐的书,确认过他的栽植方法还蛮不错的,Peter D'Amato's "The Savage Garden"是必须读的一本书。

Fruit trees and flowers, birds and animals, shimmering tiles, and the gleam and murmur of running water—these are the vibrant and delicate substances from which, like a beautiful carpet, the Islamic garden is woven.Indeed, Islamic carpet design and garden layout go hand in hand.Garden carpets depict in a stylized manner the chahar bagh, or fourfold garden with its intersecting axial watercourses surmounted by a central fountain.In addition, they depict symbolically the vegetation planted in actual gardens:the shade-giving plane tree, identified with the Tuba tree in the Quran; the cypress representing death and eternity; and fruit trees standing for life and fertility.The central cartouche can interpreted as a platform, which in real gardens was often surmounted by a pavilion.These form the basic and timeless design formula of the Islamic garden—one or more quadripartite sections defined by narrow water courses—which has its roots in ancient Persia where the archaeological remains of Achaemenid palaces trace the outlines of pavilions overlooking carved stone channels.

果树和花卉,鸟兽,闪烁瓷砖,以及闪光和杂音的自来水-这些都是充满活力和微妙的物质,像一个美丽的地毯,伊斯兰园林woven.indeed ,伊斯兰地毯设计与园林布局齐头并进hand.garden地毯描绘在程式化地察哈尔巴格,或四倍花园与其相交轴水道克服了由一个中央fountain.in此外,他们还描绘象征性的植物种植在实际花园:耐荫给予平面树,确定与大号树在可兰经;桧代表死亡和永恒;栽果树,站立,生活和fertility.the中央cartouche可以解释为一个平台,而在真正的花园往往是克服由pavilion.these形式基本和永恒的设计公式伊斯兰花园式的一个或一个以上的四方节所界定的狭窄水道-其中有它的根在古代波斯,而考古遗迹的阿契美尼德宫殿追查纲要凉亭俯瞰石刻渠道。

Covent Garden has made some attempt to make opera accessible to a wider public.

Covent Garden已经做了一些努力,让歌剧为更多的大众所理解。

At another restaurant in Covent Garden, Gieve stepped out on to the pavement to speak quietly into his mobile phone.

在Covent Garden的另一个餐厅里,Gieve走到餐厅外的人行道上对着他的手机悄悄说话。

But when we opened our first shop in Covent Garden, we were one of the few pushing against the synthetic chemical approach to skin and health care that had been adopted by much of the industry.

但是我们在Covent Garden开第一家店的时候,我们却是对抗使用化工合成品来护肤和保健的极少数几个之一,而当时这个产业大规模地使用化工制品。

It has been attracting the researchers for a long time. Garden and Lamber divided foreign language learning motivations into instrumental and integrative motivation.


The first time I appear onstage I perform 3 songs in a row starting with a duet w/ Maya Sakamoto "The Garden Of Everything".

我第一次出场时连唱了3首歌,从与坂本真绫合唱的"The Garden Of Everything"开始。

Sunday morning, we went to the botanical garden and took some photos. We went to meet our 'match maker', who is my psychodrama course teacher, but is Steve's Chinese painting teacher. Chinese painting is one of the courses taught at the botanical garden.

星期天,我们特地提早去botanical garden走走拍了一些照片,其实目的是要去见我们的媒人–我的心理剧老师也是Steve的中国画老师。

DSA shows that there is similar vascular numbers to Garden typing; however, DSA directly reflects blood supply of femoral head and determines therapeutic effect and prognosis of femoral neck fracture according to numbers of residual retinaculum vessels.


Get along to the Rock Garden to chat with them about rocking the schools or how they formed their band while still at high school.

好好的在 Rock Garden 与他们相处,聊聊关于他们怎样让学校翻转或是当他们还在高中的时候,他们是怎样组织他们的乐队。

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Avant Garden
The Hanging Garden
In The Garden
In The Garden
Roof Garden
Garden Of Peace
Rose Garden
Garden Of Simple
In The Garden
Garden Of Love

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
