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与 freedom 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In terms of the legitimacy of academic freedom,three sorts of abridgment or suppression of the freedom are available.


According to different academic freedom activities, there are different scope and standards of academic freedom.


If freedom is defined in its most general sense as a state of absence of any obstacle to human thoughts and actions, then no nation in the world would reject this kind of freedom at any time, thought they may understand and pursue freedom in different ways.


A well-disciplined militia, our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burthened; the honest payment of our debts and sacred preservation of the public faith; encouragement of agriculture, and of commerce as its handmaid; the diffusion of information and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of the public reason; freedom of religion; freedom of the press, and freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected.


The war was called "Iraqi Freedom", but the true freedom can't be given. Freedom is like the seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations, sprouting, blooming with the care and love, no fighting or gun.


In today's Urumqi, many Muslim women put away their traditional robes and wear fashionable clothes. They want the freedom of choice. It will be very difficult for women to enjoy such freedom in a fundamentalist society. Third, the freedom to practice a non-Islamic religion will be threatened.


A child"s education freedom is also restricted, which will provide compulsion of education with reasonable assurance. When a child"s freedom goes beyond this restriction, negative effects will be brought to education orders, interest of other persons and the child himself, and at this moment, pedagogues shall have to adopt an appropriate compulsive method to restore such kind of freedom to its correct state.


On the basis of interpreting concepts, combining the analysis of the advantage and disadvantage that focuses on the development of the Press Freedom at all times and in all over the world, I discuss the legal guarantee of the Press Freedom on the basis of analyzing new's legal relation. Moreover, I break through the original research mode, and re-recognize the reasonable restriction of the Press Freedom by the way of classifying news.


Zhuang zi holds that the way to realize freedom is to let nature take its course and to get rid of your desire through heart-washing, while Sartre holds that the man is destined for freedom, the way to realize freedom is to let the man realize be is free by encouraging him to do self-choice, to achieve self-making and self-realization.


A democratic system guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.


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Oh Freedom
Freedom Fighter
The Price Of Freedom
Freedom From Religion
Element Of Freedom (Intro)
Land & Freedom (Terra E Liberta)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
