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与 forever 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Available in a standalone package or aspart of Amiga Forever.

在一个单独的软件包当中提供或者作为 Amiga Forever 的一部分。

Forever Cool,' by stylist Sherrie Mathieson, uses makeovers of real people, including men, to show 'how to achieve ageless, youthful and modern personal style.

设计师谢莉·马蒂尔森的Forever Cool运用包括男性在内的真人实例展示出"如何实现不老的、年轻的时尚个人风格"。

Linstead is not a jazz artist per se but can be mildly jazzy at times, demonstrating that he is well aware of Django Reinhardt 's innovative gypsy swing as well as the fusion guitar playing of Pat Metheny , John McLaughlin , and Return to Forever graduate Al DiMeola .

Linstead本质上不是一位爵士艺术家,却能够不时表现出适度的爵士味道,证明他既非常了解Django Reinhardt标新立异的吉普赛轻快节奏,也同样了解Pat Metheny、John McLaughlin、以及以《 Return to Forever 》为标志的 Al DiMeola这些人演奏的具有融合风格的吉他。

Known to Americans most for her belting rendition of the theme to Goldfinger, the 1964 edition in the James Bond series (as well as 1971's Diamonds Are Forever and 1979's Moonraker), Shirley Bassey was one of the most popular female vocalists in Britain during the last half of the 20th century.

众所周知,美国人是在1964年因为莎丽·贝希的一首《Goldfinger》而熟悉她的名字的。她在007系列中多次演唱主题曲(还包括1971年的《Diamonds Are Forever》和1979年的《Moonraker》)。在过去的20世纪上半叶,莎丽·贝希是全英国最走红的女歌手。

K: Richard Marx who sang "Now and forever" and George Michaels, a formal member of the defunct pop group, WHAM!

勋:理查。马科斯,就是唱"Now and forever"和乔治。迈科儿,他是一个流行组合的成员。

Just one sene, i was touched by a old lady, she was speaked out ONE CHINA FOREVER' with us, although her voice was covered by rest of them, she still spark shinning in that moment. And that is the one we have to respect. COS she is happy with heart of loving homeland.

最感动的往往是那些小小的细节,当我们奋力喊着one China forever'的时候,有个年迈的中国老太太和我们一起喊,一起挥着她的小旗,那个时候,真的被她感动的流泪,尽管她的声音已被掩盖,但的光辉熠熠生光。

But how can you call the man who wrote Live Forever unromantic?

但你怎么能说一个写出 Live Forever 这样歌曲的男人是不浪漫?

With the release of their seventh album "Always And Forever", their debut release on Shanachie Entertainment on October 17th, Silk brings their vocal artistry to a hand-picked selection of songs that have inspired them as simultaneous homage to artists who they respect and musical statement of the ultimate quality of Silk's music.

十月17日发行的《Always And Forever》是他们的第十七张专辑,同时也是在Shanachie Entertainment公司发行的第一张专辑。在这张专辑里Silk通过精挑细选的唱曲表达了对所他们敬重的音乐家的无限敬意,同时也展现了Silk音乐之中的极致魅力。

But how can you call the man who wrote Live Forever unromantic?It exasperates Sara that I'm a gruff northerner.

但你怎麼能说一个写出Live Forever这样歌曲的男人是不浪漫?

Name: Maria, Sex: female, Age: 14, Constellation: striker Block, Blood type: B - Place of Birth: Hangu, Interests: reading, Back creation, Features: concert, Character: patience, optimism, savvy, moderate, Hope that the future: designer, Idol: Oriental God, Cang, Like a flower: daisy, cherry tree, Favorite food: love, Respect for the people: parents, Oriental God, Cang, Good at sports: basketball, Favorite song:"Forever Love" and "Rising Sun" Like numbers: 2,7, Favorite color: black, white, blue, purple.

姓名:Maria,性别:女,年龄:14,星座:射手座,血型: B型,出生地:汉沽,兴趣:看小说,听歌,创作,特长:演唱,性格:有耐心,乐观,善解人意,温和,将来希望:服装设计师,偶像:东方神起,沧月,喜欢的花:雏菊,樱花,喜欢的食物:都喜欢,尊重的人:父母,东方神起,沧月,擅长的运动:篮球,喜欢的歌曲:《Forever Love》《Rising Sun》,喜欢的数字:2,7,喜欢的颜色:黑色,白色,蓝色,紫色。

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Forever In Love
I'm Gonna Miss You Forever
Forever Lonely
Forever Your Girl
Summer Hair = Forever Young
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
Diamonds Are Forever (And Forever Is A Mighty Long Time)
Forever Gone, Forever You
Forever You Forever Me

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
