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Any of various low-growing plants of the genusFragaria, having white flowers and an aggregate fruit that consists of a red, fleshy, edible receptacle and numerous seedlike fruitlets.


Seeds 1-12, smooth or occasionally furrowed, albuminous or exalbuminous, sometimes winged, wing membranous, basal, exarillate or aril basal to completely enveloping seed, aril membranous, fleshy, rarely mucilaginous; cotyledons flat, foliaceous or thick, connate, germination epigeous.

种子1-12,光滑或者偶尔有皱,具胚乳或无胚乳,有时具翅,翅膜质,基生,无假种皮或有假种皮,假种皮基生或完全包围种子,膜质、肉质,很少有粘液子叶平,叶状或者厚,合生,发芽时出土。2n = 8,12,14。

An anglerfish wags its head until its fleshy protuberance shimmies like a worm and baits other fish.


Seeds minute, cylindric-ellipsoid to angular; seed coat thin reticulate to verrucose or almost very minutely papillate; endosperm fleshy.


Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta,including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm,and characterized by fleshy paired appendage s tipped with bristles on each body segment.


Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta,including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm,and characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristle s on each body segment.


The edible,fleshy,ripe aril of this tree,especially popular as a food in Jamaica.


Caruncle A fleshy outgrowth from a seed, similar to, but smaller than, an aril.


The fruit may be a head of follicles or achenes, as in avens, achenes on a fleshy receptacle, as in strawberry; a drupe, as in cherries, plums, and peaches ; a head of drupelets, e.g.


Fruit a capsule, fleshy or dry, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes berrylike.


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