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fell over相关的网络例句

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In their childlike glee at the conflagration of the village, and the excitement of their successful firing on the French, our artillerymen only noticed this battery when two cannon-balls and after them four more fell among their cannons, and one knocked over two horses and another tore off the foot of a gunner. Their spirits, however, once raised, did not flag; their excitement simply found another direction.


First Jeff Goldblum fell off a cliff in New Zealand, then George Clooney was lost in a plane crash over the Rockies, Star Wars actress Natalie Portman suffered a fatal accident on the set of her latest film, both Harrison Ford and teen star Miley Cyrus drowned when their yachts sank at sea, and 80s singer Rick Astley was found dead in his hotel room.

先是杰夫·戈德布拉姆在新西兰摔下悬崖,然后乔治·克鲁尼在落基山脉上空的飞机失事中失踪,《星球大战》女演员娜塔莉·波特曼在拍摄新片时遭受致命意外,哈里森·福特和少年明星麦莉·赛勒斯都因为游艇在海里沉没而溺水,80年代的歌星Rick Astley被发现死在他的宾馆房间里。

Anyway,I fell through some thin ice, and I'm telling Atwater that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbingyou all over your body.


Whereas Antony, like Hercules in the picture where Omphale is seen removing his club and stripping him of his lion's skin, was over and over again disarmed by Cleopatra, and beguiled away, while great actions and enterprises of the first necessity fell, as it were, from his hands, to go with her to the seashore of Canopus and Taphosiris, and play about.


At length he would reach the corn, and selecting a suitable ear, frisk about in the same uncertain trigonometrical way to the topmost stick of my wood-pile, before my window, where he looked me in the face, and there sit for hours, supplying himself with a new ear from time to time, nibbling at first voraciously and throwing the half-naked cobs about; till at length he grew more dainty still and played with his food, tasting only the inside of the kernel, and the ear, which was held balanced over the stick by one paw, slipped from his careless grasp and fell to the ground, when he would look over at it with a ludicrous expression of uncertainty, as if suspecting that it had life, with a mind not made up whether to get it again, or a new one,or be off; now thinking of corn, then listening to hear what was in the wind.


Our health, cleanliness, and safety fell within the province of the nursemaids' responsibilities, and so those women hovered over us like ewes over newborn lambs.


Before X JAPAN re-formed, for about 10 years I wrote songs for Violet UK then trashed them, wrote and trashed, over and over again, but out of all of that there are some songs that managed to take shape, so I fell that I want to perform those publicly.

X JAPAN重组前,大约在这10年,我写了很多歌给Violet UK然后弃用,写了又放弃,一次又一次,但大部分的歌曲已经成形了,这让我很想要公开表演。

To fall head over heels for someone = to completely fall in love:"He fell head over heels for her."


The number of conflicts fell from over 50 at the start of the 1990s to just over 30 in 2005 (definitions are obviously fluid; these are the ones used by scholars at the universities of Uppsala and British Columbia for a project called the "Human Security Report").


The number of conflicts fell from over 50 at the start of the 1990s to just over 30 in 2005 (definitions are obviously fluid; these are the ones used by scholars at the universities of Uppsala and British Columbia for a project called the "Human Security Report").


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Sky Fell Over Me

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
