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与 feldspathic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, glasses containing MgO where dolomite is cheaper than limestone, and low alumina glasses where feldspar or feldspathic sands are at a premium.


The chromite deposits in the Muskox Complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite.


At present two classes of ceramic are available for machining fabrication of individual ceramic restorations: fine-scale feldspathic (Vita Mark Ⅱ) and glass ceramic .

目前CAD/CAM常用的切削陶瓷中Vita Mank Ⅱ和云母玻璃陶瓷Dicor MGC为内着色材料,这种瓷块本身含有基本颜色。

In this paper, by analysis of reservoir characteristic, lithology, sedimental environment and geological feature of Putaohua oil layer in Fang 3 area Songfangtun oilfield, Songliao basin, the authors discuss reservoir characteristics and its influence factors. Feldspathic sandstone and detritus sandstone are the main type of reservoir which is lithology has siltstone, fine sandstone etc.

摘 要:通过对松辽盆地宋芳屯油田芳3区块葡萄花油层砂岩储层岩性、物性、沉积环境及地质特征的研究,对葡萄花油层砂岩储层的物性特征及其影响因素进行了系统的分析,认为长石砂岩和岩屑质长石砂岩是主要砂岩类型,岩性有粉、细砂岩等,但以粉砂岩为主。

At present,these sandstones are at the late A period of the early diagenetic stage(Ro=0.8%,T=70℃-90℃),and their diagentic fabrics are controlled by the acidic diagenetic environment, resulting in widespread dissolution of feldspathic grains and well developed quartz overgrowth.


In Kela-2 gas field located in the northern Kuqa depression in the Tarim Basin, the natural gas reserves are mainly accumulated in the litharenite and feldspathic litharenite of braided river delta facies in the Cretaceous Bashijiqi Formation.


In addition, the abundant microcracks developed around the cavities provided the passages or vents not only for gases escaping like CO2, but for Ca(superscript 2+), Al3(superscript 3+), released out of the feldspathic minerals from the intrusion, migrating into the cavities as well.

Ca(上标 2+)、Al(上标 3+)离子在孔洞、孔隙溶液中发生化学反应,逐渐生成浊沸石、方解石,并逐渐沉积生长成集合体,生成浊沸石后的岩体可成为油气储层。

The deeply\|buried Tertiary clastic reservoirs of the Well Kun 2 in the Qaidam basin are mainly composed of lithic sandstones and feldspathic lithic sandstones with lower compositional and textural maturation degrees.


SIGN achieves its improved characteristics by utilizing synthetic base materials, rather than the more traditional materials—such as feldspar, nepheline, or kaolin—found in conventional feldspathic metalceramics.

例如,与常规金属烤瓷常用的传统材料相比,比如长石,nepheline, kaolin

The quartz in this region shows a array of deformations from High-temperature -High pressure condition to crust environments: coesite → the high-temperature quartz → sheared quartz vein → feldspathic shear zone (the quartz from two-mica schist)→ the ordinary quartz in eclogites.


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